Translation glossary: glosssary rami

Showing entries 1-50 of 50
.תג(pension) benefit 
Hebrew to English
.תג(pension) benefit 
Hebrew to English
.לא אושר ע"י בית הדין הסכם גירושין, פרט לפסק הדין הנ"לExcept for the aforementioned ruling, a divorce agreement has not been approved by the Court. 
Hebrew to English
a pulmónown efforts / "by the sweat of your brow" 
Spanish to English
Añadir unas líneasContribute/add some words (Ina given context) 
Spanish to English
Agua Bicarbonatada sódica de mineralización fuerteHighly mineralized Sodium bicarbonated water 
Spanish to English
aporta escalaupgrades 
Spanish to English
archivo de apoyobackup file 
Spanish to English
be accomplished as clinically appropriateestablecerse como sea clínicamente adecuado. 
English to Spanish
Building allowance permitlicencia de obras/permiso de construcción 
English to Spanish
Burner inlet(Venturi)תושבת/חלל/פתח המבער/ 
English to Hebrew
cedar in espresso burstcedro con irrupciones de (marrón) expresso 
English to Spanish
Comprehensive general liabilityאחריות כללית מקיפה 
English to Hebrew
Deed of Donationשטר/כתב תרומה 
English to Hebrew
dermis superficial y mediaEpidermis and papillary dermis/Sucutaneous tissue 
Spanish to English
Equityהגינות (בהתאם להקשר) 
English to Hebrew
facts on the ground (related to returns on investments)que en la realidad/en la situación real de los mercados 
English to Spanish
Fallo de tornillos de anclajeAnchor screws failure 
Spanish to English
finalization statementטיעון מסכם 
English to Hebrew
incorporated companiesחברות/תאגידים רשומות/ים בהודו 
English to Hebrew
MazaMazo: Mallet, Maceta: double headed hammer with short handle, Martillo: Hammer 
Spanish to English
Module learning objectiveיעד מערך הלימוד 
English to Hebrew
operated entirely on cashמנוהל/ת על בסיס מזומן בלבד 
English to Hebrew
piedra fundenteflux (lime)stone 
Spanish to English
piedra fundenteflux (lime)stone 
Spanish to English
Registryמאגר נתונים 
English to Hebrew
English to Spanish
Resolucion ConsultativaAdvisory resolution 
Spanish to English
short of dismissalo a una acción próxima al despido 
English to Spanish
subdivisión politicaיחידת משנה 
Spanish to Hebrew
substantial malfeasance or nonfeasance of dutyהפרה או אי-ביצוע משמעותיים של חובה כלפי החברה 
English to Hebrew
time-criticalמטבעו, תזמון המידע הוא קריטי 
English to Hebrew
to be blocked pursuant"...están bloqueados, en conformidad con..." 
English to Spanish
Whack-a-Molejuego de nunca acabar 
English to Spanish
written powerכתב יפוי 
English to Hebrew
y nadanothing changed, no news, everything was the same, etc. 
Spanish to English
Hebrew to English
נטילת נכסappropriation of an asset 
Hebrew to English
פסק דין מתוקן בשניתTwice-amended verdict 
Hebrew to English
Hebrew to English
ריבוד פנסיוניpensionary stratification 
Hebrew to English
שתקראנה להלן ולשם קיצור צד אhereinafter, and for brevity, referred to as side A 
Hebrew to English
שכיר בעל שליטהcontrolling employee 
Hebrew to English
חוזה קבלני(Independent) Contractor Agreement 
Hebrew to English
הסכם סופי וגמורFinal and complete/comprehensive agreement 
Hebrew to English
החלטה עקרוניתDecision in principle 
Hebrew to English
ההתחייבות הינה כלפי המזמין, שלוחותיו וגופים נסמכים.The undertaking/commitment/obligation is towards the client, its affiliates, and dependent bodies 
Hebrew to English
כתב קבלה, שחרור ופיטורין (חבות) הNote of reception, release, and dismissal 
Hebrew to English
יורש אחר יורשHeir after heir 
Hebrew to English
יושרת/שלמות המצעPlatform Integrity 
Hebrew to English
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