Translation glossary: Miscellanea

Showing entries 1-21 of 21
(Printing) Head Conditioner (for inkjet printer)liquide/solvant de nettoyage pour têtes (d'imprimantes jet d'encre) 
English to French
101 book"Obrazac-Bijležnica 101" [za vođenje] zapisnika o izvršenoj pretrazi 
English to Croatian
appartenance (territoriale)territorial appurtenance 
French to English
beam angleangle de faisceau [angle de diffusion] 
English to French
carpet search and rescuetemeljna / sveobuhvatna operacija potrage i spašavanja 
English to Croatian
cheque given in bad faithчек издат с преварним намерама 
English to Serbian
délivré pour toutes fins utilesfor whatever purpose it may serve / it may be needed 
French to English
diagnostic persistance of a heartbeat (protocole pour automate bancaire)s'assurer de la connexion ininterrompue / de la continuité ( ou persistance) de la connexion 
English to French
la rédaction complète d\'un marchépreparing the complete tendering documentation 
French to English
le contract fait la loi entre elles (les parties au contrat)the contract is the law between them (the parties to the contract) 
French to English
le faisandage des êtres et des chosescorruption (or degradation) of beings and things 
French to English
Mode C/EMode C/E 
French to English
National Industry Codes (Pharmaceutical Industry)les Codes de conduite éthique nationaux (/de différents pays) applicable au secteur (pharmaceutique) 
English to French
prijava (potraživanja u stečajnom postupku)(submitting) a creditor claim (in bankruptcy) 
Serbian to English
répartition aux prorata des dix millièmesallocation [of shared costs] in proportion with the parts of co-ownership ("the ten-thousandths") 
French to English
sans perception de fonds (agent immobiler)no holding/handling of client money // not authorised to hold/handle client money 
French to English
the backbone of a textl'ossature du texte / la structure de base du texte / l'essentiel du texte 
English to French
usna duplja: soor (rezultat lekarskog pregleda/nalaz)thrush 
Serbian to English
workers having themselves elopedemployés /travailleurs se laissant corrompre 
English to French
[car finance companies] "buying deeper"... qui relâchent les critères d'octroi de prêt voiture / crédit auto 
English to French
[prix à l'acquisition] payé depuis, ainsi déclaré [par le propriétaire présent][price at the time of acquisition] paid since, as stated [by the current owner] 
French to English
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