Translation glossary: Angel Translators & Interpreters

Showing entries 1-39 of 39
"Tender Consortiumconsortiu licitant / consortiu ofertant 
English to Romanian
"Tender Consortium"consortiu licitant / consortiu ofertant 
English to Romanian
base companyfirma umbrela / firma paravan 
English to Romanian
benefitajutoare sociale (in UK) 
English to Romanian
ca raspuns la agresiunile dolaruluias a response to the attacks of the dollar and American economy 
Romanian to English
cam de o palmăajar 
Romanian to English
capricorn de casăWood Worms (Anobiidae) 
Romanian to English
Certificate of Service"certificarea trimiterii prin posta". 
English to Romanian
certified copy of an entryCertificare autentica a unei inregistrari... 
English to Romanian
cheie olandezaC-spanner / hook wrench (with pins or nose) 
Romanian to English
corporate purchase orderordin de cumparare oficial/corporativ 
English to Romanian
deviz pe obiectitemised estimate of the projected costs 
Romanian to English
deviz pe obiectitemised estimate of the projected costs 
Romanian to English
Equipment Loan and Software Licence Agreementcontract de împrumut echipament(e) şi licenţă de software 
English to Romanian
fourth-third century / fourth-third century BCal patrulea secol 3 / secolele IV-III i.Hr. 
English to Romanian
Front dumperautobasculanta frontala (cu bena situata in fata) 
English to Romanian
general household itemsobiecte aflate in mod obisnuit intr-o casa 
English to Romanian
In temeiul art. 38 din LegeaPursuant to art. 38 of the ***** Act 
Romanian to English
English to Romanian
lipsa de proceduraProcedural irregularities 
Romanian to English
lockercompartiment incuiat 
English to Romanian
owner managed firmcompanie administrată de proprietar 
English to Romanian
rear valanceprelungire bara spate/sort 
Romanian to English
Red Crescent SocietiesSocietati de Semiluna Rosie 
English to Romanian
Reporting Unit Codecodul unitatii apartinatoare/raportoare 
English to Romanian
Review Conference Social Workers ReportRaportul asistentilor sociali pentru Conferinta de (re)evaluare 
English to Romanian
review meetingsedinta de (re)evaluare 
English to Romanian
rezerva de statState National Land Reserve/ land belonging to the National State Reserve 
Romanian to English
rutiereRoad rollers and tracked vehicles 
Romanian to English
secure credential storagememorie securizata pentru acreditari (de securitate) 
English to Romanian
secure credential storagememorie securizata pentru acreditari (de securitate) 
English to Romanian
standard of reasonablenessstandard de rezonabilitate / prag de rezonabilitate / nivel de rezonabilitate / principiul rezonabilitatii 
English to Romanian
stay orderordin de suspendare 
English to Romanian
Tender Consortiumconsortiu licitant / consortiu ofertant 
English to Romanian
title interestsavantajele proprietarului (privilegiile/drepturile) 
English to Romanian
unpaid workmunca fara plata 
English to Romanian
voting agreementacord de vot 
English to Romanian
warning noticeAvertisment scris 
English to Romanian
you failednu ati indeplinit 
English to Romanian
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