pact de opțiune de vânzare option agreement

Language pair:Romanian to English
Discipline:Law (general)
Definition / notes:An option agreement is an agreement entered into by a landowner and a potential purchaser (developer) of the landowners property. When the parties enter into the agreement, often an agreed payment is made to the landowner and in exchange, the purchaser is granted a contractually binding first option to purchase the property. The purchase must take place within the option period (which can potentially last several years) or as a result of a trigger event, such as planning permission being granted for the development.

Option Agreements are a legal contract between a landowner and potential purchaser of a site, typically a housebuilder or developer. The option holder essentially has the opportunity of purchasing the site from the landowner at an agreed price within a fixed time frame, once the terms within the option have been met.

pactul de opţiune, este o promisiune unilaterală de vânzare. O promisiune de vânzare este unilaterală atunci când o singură parte contractantă se obligă să vândă un lucru (sau să cumpere), cealaltă parte rezer-vându-şi numai facultatea de a-şi manifesta, ulterior (de obicei înăuntrul unui termen) consimţământul de a încheia contractul de vânzare-cumpărare.
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