Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
misiuni cu ceas
English translation:
Tactical computer for diving and operations with built-in clock
Added to glossary by
Dorli Dinescu
Jun 30, 2016 13:37
8 yrs ago
Romanian term
misiuni cu ceas
Romanian to English
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Complet scufundare circui
Computer tactic de scufundare şi misiuni cu ceas, puncte de deplasare presetate, profundimetru şi busolă analogă cu gradaţii în grade, integrate
Diving tactical computer and clock missions, preset displacement points, analog dive gauge and analog compass with degrees in grades, integrated
Diving tactical computer and clock missions, preset displacement points, analog dive gauge and analog compass with degrees in grades, integrated
Proposed translations
5 | Tactical computer for diving and operations with built-in clock | Atemporalul (X) |
Proposed translations
4 hrs
Tactical computer for diving and operations with built-in clock
Mă tem că nu misiunile sunt cu ceas, ci computerul tactic pentru scufundări și misiuni.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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