Jul 22, 2011 19:32
13 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Polish term
wcześniejsze pierwszeństwo
Polish to English
Według naszego klienta, przeciwstawiony znak XXX (z gorszym pierwszeństwem) w stosunku do porównywanych zarejestrowanych znaków z wcześniejszym pierwszeństwem stwarza większe prawdopodobieństwo konfuzji, w tym prawdopodobieństwo skojarzenia z wcześniejszym znakami niż znak naszego mocodawcy YYY o całkowicie odmiennej pisowni.
Proposed translations
4 | earlier priority | Jerzy Matwiejczuk |
Proposed translations
31 mins
earlier priority
W kontekstach patentowych:
"This decision means that any question as to the ownership of the original invention, and entitlement to priority based on an earlier filing, has to be sorted out by assignment or other means before the date of the later filing. If it is not, then the earlier priority will be lost, even though the person to whom the patent is granted is duly entitled to the grant"
"This application was filed on 19 February 2004; no earlier priority is claimed."
"This decision means that any question as to the ownership of the original invention, and entitlement to priority based on an earlier filing, has to be sorted out by assignment or other means before the date of the later filing. If it is not, then the earlier priority will be lost, even though the person to whom the patent is granted is duly entitled to the grant"
"This application was filed on 19 February 2004; no earlier priority is claimed."
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