Sep 25, 2014 08:24
10 yrs ago
Italian term

restituzione del proprio lavoro

Italian to English Art/Literary Printing & Publishing
This is from an article on the publication of photographic books

Fin dai suoi inizi, infatti, la fotografia è intimamente e immediatamente connessa all’editoria.
È dall’inizio del XIX secolo che i fotografi realizzano libri fotografici e che individuano in questo medium la forma più adatta per la **restituzione del proprio lavoro**.

Thanks in advance
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 remuneration for their work


Barbara Carrara Sep 25, 2014:
Judith and Lisa I see no hints in the posted excerpt that point to remuneration, since it deals with the origins of photography and how publishing appeared to be the best way to show the artist's work, thus helping photography to be known, circulated and shared.
Judith McLean (asker) Sep 25, 2014:
You're right Lisa Jane. I came to the same conclusion, which is why I asked the question. The client seems happy to go with the idea of remuneration.
Lisa Jane Sep 25, 2014:
it could be..both seem a correct translation, it's difficult to say
Barbara Carrara Sep 25, 2014:
'Restituzione' as in 'resa'... The ideal medium with which to express their work, or something along these lines.

Proposed translations

35 mins

remuneration for their work

something along these lines

...the most suitable way of obtaining remuneration/reimbursement/payment for their work.

in Italian the word can be a synonym (although quite formal) for rimborso, resa, meaning payment
Peer comment(s):

agree tradu-grace : It is likely Lisa
3 hrs
thanks Grace
neutral philgoddard : I'm not sure about this, and you haven't given any references. Couldn't it mean reproduction or distribution?
4 hrs
It could well be now you mention it
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Lisa. I wrote something along those lines"
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