Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Greek term or phrase:
περιτύπωμα φυτεύσιμου χώρου
English translation:
outline / clearance of the plantable space (depending on the context)
Added to glossary by
Ioanna Karamitsa
Nov 7, 2014 19:07
10 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Greek term
περιτύπωμα φυτεύσιμου χώρου
Greek to English
Μια σωστή επιλογή θέσης και είδους φυτών θα έχει σαν αποτέλεσµα την ελαχιστοποίηση της συντήρησης της κεντρικής νησίδας, η οποία θα περιορισθεί στις φυσιολογικές φροντίδες καλλιέργειας και στη διατήρηση του περιτυπώµατος του φυτεύσιµου χώρου.
Proposed translations
4 | outline of the plantable space | Peter Close |
Proposed translations
13 hrs
outline of the plantable space
Nikolaos Pantazis’s Dictionary of Technical Terms, defines ‘περιτύπωμα’ to mean ‘outline’.
Plantable = Capable of being planted; fit to be planted.
Note added at 15 hrs (2014-11-08 10:51:50 GMT)
Because, Andras Mohay made his comment of 12:28 pm on the discussion board, I would like to give you some examples of the use of the word ‘outline’ in this sense. Please see:
5 Μαρ 2010 - Draw the outline of the planting area on paper; include shade trees or other shade-producing features. 2. Observe where the sunlight shines on ...
22 Σεπ 2011 - The aim was to build high enough to get one complete layer of wood, defining the outline of the planting area and then to fill the structure with ...
Draw the outline of the planting area and roughly sketch in groups of plants -- for example, a mass of shrubs or some ornamental grasses. Don't decide on ...
Note added at 1 day13 hrs (2014-11-09 08:25:05 GMT)
Good morning Ioanna,
As you will see from my discussion entries of this morning, the word "outline" is English can also mean "shape" (σχήμα, μορφή). This reinforces my opinion that the Pantazis Dictionary of Technical Terms correctly interprets "περιτύπωμα" to mean "outline".
Note added at 1 day13 hrs (2014-11-09 08:31:22 GMT)
Sorry. The second part of the first line of my last note should read, 'the word "outline" in English can also mean'.....
Plantable = Capable of being planted; fit to be planted.
Note added at 15 hrs (2014-11-08 10:51:50 GMT)
Because, Andras Mohay made his comment of 12:28 pm on the discussion board, I would like to give you some examples of the use of the word ‘outline’ in this sense. Please see:
5 Μαρ 2010 - Draw the outline of the planting area on paper; include shade trees or other shade-producing features. 2. Observe where the sunlight shines on ...
22 Σεπ 2011 - The aim was to build high enough to get one complete layer of wood, defining the outline of the planting area and then to fill the structure with ...
Draw the outline of the planting area and roughly sketch in groups of plants -- for example, a mass of shrubs or some ornamental grasses. Don't decide on ...
Note added at 1 day13 hrs (2014-11-09 08:25:05 GMT)
Good morning Ioanna,
As you will see from my discussion entries of this morning, the word "outline" is English can also mean "shape" (σχήμα, μορφή). This reinforces my opinion that the Pantazis Dictionary of Technical Terms correctly interprets "περιτύπωμα" to mean "outline".
Note added at 1 day13 hrs (2014-11-09 08:31:22 GMT)
Sorry. The second part of the first line of my last note should read, 'the word "outline" in English can also mean'.....
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Andras Mohay (X)
: "Περιτύπωμα" αναφέρεται μάλλον στη διατομή (προφίλ) και όχι στην κάτοψη (οριζοντιογραφία) προκειμένου για οδοποιΐα. Αυτό ήθελα να τονίσω. Δεν ξέρω αν ταιριάζει και εδώ το "outline": ίσως ναι, ίσως όχι.
3 hrs
See my discussion entry of 14:19. I note your views. Perhaps you are correct, but I personally do not think so.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you, Peter. "
21 hrs
Δεν είμαι σίγουρη,αλλά τείνω προς το gauge
I have taken all your comments into account, which I found all to be very helpful given that the author of my text might have had 'περιγραμμα' in mind at some points when using 'περιτύπωμα' (as Peter correctly pointed out that can be the case sometimes).
I used both your terms depending on the context. I used 'clearance' mostly when I understood that the author was talking about the 3 dimensions of the plants and 'outline' when talking about the same thing in the context of 2-dimensional diagrams and plans.
I added both terms in the glossary hoping that colleagues that will refer to this question in the future will select the term that best suits their text also considering the comments you have made and the links you provided.
Thank you again, gentlemen.
Have a lovely day ahead.
Επιμένω, όμως, ότι το "περιτύπωμα" κατά κανόνα δεν αποδίδεται με το "outline".
We have no knowledge of how a tree does this, and the maintenance of the outline of a tree is clearly a result of its sensory awareness and is worthy of further ...
This thesis shows how the rehabilitation of the mined landscape could ...... will, over time, eliminate the need for mechanical maintenance of the shape of the ...
Since the word "outline" can mean "the shape of a an object", I really don't see how we disagree, because, then, "shape" could be interpreted as "προφίλ" in Greek. Hence, the word "outline" in English can refer to the "προφίλ" of an object, and not only to "a line marking its contours".
Για την Ιωάννα η δειλά διατυπωμένη πρόταση (ή απλά: νύξη) μου ήταν ότι το κείμενο αναφέρεται στον περιορισμό της εξάπλωσης των φυτών κατά πλάτος ΚΑΙ καθ' ύψος, δηλ. στο κλάδεμά τους (= διατήρηση του προφίλ, της κόμμωσης δηλαδή) και όχι στο κατά πλάτος ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΟ εξάπλωσή τους (επί της ασφάλτου...;). Ευχαρίστως θα διαβάσω, Peter, τη δική σου ερμηνεία του "διατήρηση του περιτυπώματος".
Τώρα, όσο για το traffic island αλά Βίκυ, ουδέν προς Διόνυσον, που λένε, εκεί έχουμε kerbs ή painting, ενώ η Ιωάννα βάζει φυτά στην επίμαχη νησίδα. Εξάλλου, ο Βρετανός συχνά μπερδεύει τη νησίδα (island) με το δαχτυλίδι (κυκλικό κόμβο, roundabout) όπως έμαθα από την αναφορά σου:
"In the United Kingdom, the term island is used as a synonym for roundabout."
Περιμένω, λοιπόν, την πραγματολογική (factual) ερμηνεία σου περί του τί εστι "διατήρηση περιτυπώματος".
Ίσως "διατήρηση του περιτυπώματος" αναφέρεται (και) στο τακτικό κλάδεμα των θάμνων ή κάπως έτσι, οπότε η πρότασή μου does make sense στο κείμενο της Ιωάννας.
Και συνεχίζεις:
[Also, in English, ‘κεντρική νησίδα οδού’, is frequently called a ‘central island’ or a ‘central traffic island’, and, quite frankly, I have never heard of it being called a ‘central strip’ although I have been speaking English for 69 years].
Τι να πω; Γηράσκουμε αεί διδασκόμενοι. Σε παραπέμπω στη Βικιπαίδεια:
(που ενίοτε λέγεται και central strip).
Και να σου πω ότι, παρά το προχωρημένο της ηλικίας μου, καθημερινά συναντώ λέξεις στη μητρική μου γλώσσα που δεν τις έχω ακούσει ποτέ...
Στην οδοποιΐα (πρβ. κεντρική νησίδα = central strip) και στις σιδηροδρομικές γραμμές "περιτύπωμα" σημαίνει "clearance" (gauge), δηλ. αναφέρεται όχι στην κάτοψη (όπως το περίγραμμα), αλλά στη διατομή.