Dec 19, 2021 21:32
2 yrs ago
36 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general) Stroke
(Schlaganfall): Patient ansprechbar und wirkt sehr verständig
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 lucid
4 amenable
4 intelligent
3 +1 cognitively intact
3 -1 intelligible


uyuni Dec 20, 2021:
Genau, Susanne "aufnahmefähig/zugänglich"...
Susanne Schiewe Dec 20, 2021:
verständig = bewusstseinsklar? Might be a synonym for "bewusstseinsklar", "Wenn der Patient ansprechbar und bewusstseinsklar ist, wird ihm und den Angehörigen erklärt, dass Ursache, Art und Schweregrad des Schlaganfalls nur mittels apparativer Diagnostik
im Krankenhaus abgeklärt werden können."

Possibly helpful:

Proposed translations

14 hrs


Definition: the quality of being able to think clearly, especially when this is temporary:
Example: "He has intervals of lucidity."
Peer comment(s):

agree uyuni : This comes close to what is meant in the context given (c.f. my separate proposal below).
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot!"
17 mins


Most of the aphasia center’s patients have had strokes […]
One way we’re seeing improvements is through family members coming in and letting us know they are very happy because the patient is initiating more speech at home and the patient is more intelligible and more verbal

Peer comment(s):

disagree philgoddard : That's verständlich.
1 hr
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1 hr

cognitively intact

Patient seems alert and cognitively fully intact.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
4 mins
neutral uyuni : Being 'verständig' for the moment does not necessarily imply cognitive intactness on the whole. A person who is 'verständig' in the course of a a clinical encounter, might as well experience temporary cognitive defiencies
15 hrs
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11 hrs


IMO this goes beyond the patient being merely receptive and reasonable - I understand it as referring to the patient being actually intelligent.
(as well as being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed)
Peer comment(s):

neutral uyuni : So verstehe ich es ehrlich gesagt nicht...
5 hrs
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16 hrs


'Verständig' at least in my perception is a very broad term which does neither mean 'verständlich - understandable' nor 'verständnisvoll - understanding'.

It more or less encompasses that the patient understands what is being addressed (verbally) and that s/he is able and willing to comply with this, very similar to the German term 'zugänglich'...

Thus, 'amenable' would be my take here.
'The patient is responsive and amenable' (to...whatever)

BTW: Ich hasse den Ausdruck "ansprechbar" (für "responsive") im klinischen Kontext. "Ansprechbar" ist auch meine Kaffeetasse, nur dass sie trotz wiederholter Ansprache keine Antwort von sich geben mag...;-)
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