Sep 23, 2016 08:27
8 yrs ago
50 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Computers: Hardware printers/scanners
Thanks in advance for your answer. Do you know the Spanish equivalent for "tamper" in "right tamper motor assembly" related to printers?

Proposed translations

7 hrs


En este caso, no se trata del verbo "tamper" (manipular o alterar), sino de "tamp" (apisonar), porque se trata de una pieza de la máquina que ayuda a alinear las hojas de papel en la máquina para que las pueda engrapar después de manera ordenada.

When media is fed from the punch to the compiler unit assembly, tamping operation is performed to align the media in the media width direction on the compiler unit assembly.
Tamping is an operation to align media to the specified position on the compiler unit assembly using the front tamper or rear tamper by moving them to the end of media by the respective motors.

1.1[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION]Ram or pack (a substance) down or into something firmly.

apisonar, v.

Ahora bien, no sé exactamente como se llame esta función. Encontré "apisonador" or "compacatador" en un diccionario técnico, pero me inclinaría por "alineador" en este caso.

Peer comment(s):

agree Julio Bereciartu : Le distes en el mero clavo, Robert.
2 hrs
Gracias, Saruro!
agree Pablo Martínez (X) : yep
17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 hrs


Hope it helps.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Carter : Hola, no se trata del verbo "tamper", sino de "tamp". Saludos!
3 hrs
Hola, gracias x aclarar. Saludos.
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5 hrs


Tampers (or more specifically, "anti-tamper" or "tamper evidence") are a system included in specific printers such as those that print official labels for a product packaging or prescriptions whose function is that of detecting fraud. So, in Spanish, I have found it as "antimanipulación" or "anti-tamper".

Here you are some links to websites where you can find the parts and where they are used. I hope this helps.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Carter : Hola, no se trata del verbo "tamper", sino de "tamp". Saludos!
1 hr
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