Jul 31, 2006 00:02
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Satellite accounts

English to Arabic Other Environment & Ecology report
Proposed translations (Arabic)
4 +2 تقارير فرعية/ مكوكية


Mariam Osmann (asker) Aug 1, 2006:
thnx both of you!
Mariam Osmann (asker) Jul 31, 2006:
guess you are right sam , was thinkin abt sthing like "تابعة" but i found فرعية is the validated one.
Non-ProZ.com Jul 31, 2006:
Here you are, Sir! Satellite accounts are an evolving mechanism for presenting particular topics as annexes to main national accounts. The characteristics of satellite accounts can be described as below. Over time, satellite accounts for particular fields have come to be associated with the following characteristics:
-They feature data for a whole field of economic activity and provide a framework for arraying more comprehensive information about a field than can be shown in the main accounts.
-They are purpose-oriented in that the criterion for a transactor's or transaction's inclusion is its linkage to the field.
-They are articulated with the main accounts and contain at least one measure that is also in the main accounts.
Fuad Yahya Jul 31, 2006:
A link is not an acceptable context. Please provide the actual context in which the term is used. Thank you.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

تقارير فرعية/ مكوكية

Accounts here come from "accounting" as "description" not as a bank account, which would be حسابات (http://www.tourism.jo/inside/mSG_ar.asp). They are information gathering processes, not financial transactions. The term "satellite" means "adherent" or "follower", and so my choice of the term مكوكية. I see it is being transliterated as in http://www.world-tourism.org/regional/middle_east/PDF/Bahrai... I am also unhappy with the term نظيرة because it doesn't mean their are subordinate, but equal, and that is not what the term "satellite" mean. The Saudis use the term فرعية which is in my opinion much better (http://mas.gov.sa/duploaded/352.pdf).
والله هو العليم
Peer comment(s):

agree Ali Alawadi : I think it can be حسابات تابعة as well. http://aamerkh.tripod.com/16.htm
3 hrs
agree Elshiekh : Satellite accounts حسابات فرعية The explanation offered by sam is accurate, but this term is translated into Arabic in the UN documents as above. الله أعلم
1684 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thnx a bunch Sam for detailed explanation"
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