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Source text - Turkish 7 yasindan itibaren Istanbul-Turkiyede aile meslegi olan tekstilin icinde gorerek,
ogrenerek, pratik yaparak ogrendim....
Egitimimide ticaretle ilgili yaptim..
Yillarca dunyacada bilinen tekstil firmasinda calistim....
Sonra kendi firmam olan Cagdas Tekstil Urunleri Ith,Ihr, Tic.Limited Sti...Merter Istanbul-Turkey. actim...
Turkiyede isciligin ucuz olmasi ve tekstil konusunda deneyimin olmasi nedeniyle tekstil
tercih edilen vede para kazanilabilen bir is kolu olmustu....
Gerci 2000 yilindan itibaren Cin in ve dagilan Rusya nin, endonezya gibi uzak dogu ulkelerinin
daha ucuz iscileri ile piyasaya girmeleri Turk tekstilini zorlamaya baslamisti ancak, bizim gibi deneyimlileri
cok etkileyecegini dusunememistik....
Yillar icinde aniden iflas eden, tasiyamayip intihar eden,alacaklilarinca oldurulenler
olsada, Bu ulkede biz isimizi iyi yapmaya devam edersek,bunlarin basimiza gelmeyeceginden nerdeyse emindik.
Tecrubeli kadro, bankaci finans muduru, piyasadaki sayginlik, iyi bilinmek avantaji ile
calisip gidiyorduk... Islerimiz iyi ,butcemizde hem artida idi..
2005 yilinin temmuz ayi gibi,,,,Satislardaki dogal dususe,
Bulgaristan a actigimiz magazanin,
sattigi mallarin bedelini tahsilde, ordaki sisteme yerlesmis, yanlis aliskanliklar, rusvet nedeniyle zorlanmalar basladi,,,,
Ordaki sistem oturunca bunlar duzelir diye,,, Kaynaktan finanse etmeye basladik....
Gonderdigimiz mallarin bedelleri gelmiyor nedenleri arastirdikca, buraya bu magazayi acmakla iyimi ettik diye dusunuyorduk...
Ancak Agustos ayinda Rusya ya ihrac etmek uzere imal ettigimiz,,,, Uretim maliyetinin nerdeyse yarisini odedigimiz,
kalanida mal tesliminde odemek icin cek tanzim ettigimiz ,,, Siparis Cinde daha ucuz uretici bulduk diye iptal edildi....
Bu durumlarda yapilmasi gereken, hukuksal ve tazmin yolu Rusya icin calismazmis,,
Tecrubeli insanlar unut bir dolar alamazsin dediler.
Bu acigi kapatmak icin,,, Mali ic piyasada degerinden ucuz satsakta, farki kapatamadik,,,
Iran dan olan siparisler , Iranin turkiyeden tekstil alimini durdurmasi nedeniyle elimizde kaldi,,,,
Zarar 250bindi, 500bini buldu...
Bankalardan kredi alabilme sansimizi kullandik,,, Avukat Polat in mektubunda izah ettigi gibi,
turkiyede cek ,vadeli olup, farkli calisir... Bizde cek tanzim ederek, acigi kapatmakla ugrastik...
Ama artik ugrasmak is saatlerini asiyor,,,, Gece saatlerindede, finans muduru ile calisiyorduk...
Mudurumuz cok umutlu vede bu tur olaylari butun firmalar yasar, durumumuz hala iyi demekte israrli idi...
Ekim ayi gibi idi,iscilerimizden birinin sirketimizin odeme dar bogazinda oldugunu , bizimle is yapan firmalara soylemesi nedeniye,,,,
ayni hafta icinde 6 ay sonra odenmesi gereken cekler bile,,,, bankalara ibraz edildi.
Bi anda kredimiz tehlikeye girdi,,,, Onu kurtaralim derken, yuksek faizle borc aldik,,,,,
Uretmek icin buyuk meblag kumas aldigimiz Gulen kumas fimasina,bedelinin yarisini odemistik,,, diger yarisini mali iade edelim,,,,
Borcumuzdan kurtulalim, Odedigimiz paraninda bir kismini iada edin dedik ama onlar satabilirsek, sattigimizda diye cevap verdiler,
Onlarda olan Ceklerimizi geri vermediler,,,, Hatta finans mudurumuz guvendigi icin , odedigimiz cekleride zamaninda almamis, hepsini birden tahsile verdiler..... Oysa odeme programi vardi,.. Adana da kurulmus eski bir firma olmasina ragmen ,tahsilatlarini kaba gucle alma yolunuda secmis bir firma olduklarini anladik... Daha sonraki gelismelerde babami tehdit ettiklerini,ve babamin polisten korunma istedigini duydum....Adamlari Veysi aralik ayinda zorla bana acik ceklerde imzalatti...
Evde ve ailede kimseye hissettirmesemde, 3 cocukla cok gec saatlere kadar calistigim ve son aylarda devamli mutsuz gorundugum icin normalde cocuklari ve esi ile olaganustu ilgili birisi oldugum icin ... Esim bu yuku tasiyamaz oldu,,, psikolojik olarak, endiseli ve guvensiz hemde saglik olarak tepki vermeye basladi....
Bu arada Pazarlama Mudurumuz ki en yakin arkadasim ve senelerce destekledigim biri idi, istifa etti, Kusura bakma daha yuksek ucretle is buldum dedi,,,,Sirkette yuzde 10 hissesi vardi, Tazminati ve hisse bedelide sirkette nakit cikisina neden oldu... Tabii ki hem gidisine, hem boyle bi zamanda olusuna cok derinden uzuldum...
Kasim ayinda bile hala siparis alsakta,,, nakit para disinda kumas alamadigimiz icin uretim yapamaz olduk.....Maliyeti ve iscileri azaltma zamaniydi... Iscilerin hepsi gozume bakiyordu,,, nolur bizi isten cikarma ac kaliriz. diye .. Hepsi cok sevdigim,,, sigortalarini odedigim ( normalde cocuk yasta ucuz isci calistirarak para kazananlarin aksine ) tek tek sorunlarini bildigim insanlardi, hangisini cikaracagim karar verebilecek durumda bile degildim,,, Isimle, duygularim karmakarisik olmustu. Her gelene peki bu ayda calis diyordum...
Bu arada bankalar ariyor, bizimle is yapan yada yapmayan herkes ariyor, telefonda konusmasan bi turlu, konussan uzatiyorlardi,,,, Akil almayacak, kanunsuz yollar oneriyorlar,Boyle durumlarda insanlar ya asiri dini organizasyonlara, siyasi kuruluslara,yada guclu gorunen kanunsuz insanlara siginiyorlardi... Yapi olarak kendi halinde asiriliklardan hoslanmayan biri idim...Taraf olmamaya, yanlis kisilerden yardim almamaya,teklifleri kabul etmemek icin direndim,,, ama cok yorgun hissediyordum...
Bi sabah is yerine geldigimizde Bize uretim yapan atolyelerden birinin soyuldugunu ogrendik. Bekciye kim yapti nasil gormezsin degince,,, Size soylerim kimin yaptigini ama polise soylersem beni oldururler dedi,,,,, Sonradan bircok atolyedeki mallarimiz zorbalikla ,calindi,,,
Iste o an herseyin bittigini anlamak yerine, polisten medet umduk, ,,,Insanin isini kaybetmesi cok buyuk kayipmis ama guvenini kaybetmesi daha zormus.. Tutanak bile hazirlamadilar. Kim gormus, nasil olmus, niye olmus diye onlar bana soruyordu..... Yani hic umut yoktu..... Cunku mali goturen firma bizden buyuk ve guclu idi...
Aralik ayinin ilk gunleri idi Artik arabami, evimi tanimadigim ,uygunsuz kilikli, insanlar takibe almislardi,,, Aslinda bu ciddi gorunen firmalarin bile bazilarinin kanun disi tahsilatcisi varmis.... Bankalar hep moral vermek istedi,,, sakin dur, saglam dur dediler,,,,
Cocuklari anneme goturdum,,,,Okula gonderemedik, Gelen silahli adamlar, Hep cocuklarinizi dusunun diyordu... . Biz hala biraz zaman ver, borcunuzu odeyecegiz diyorduk....Komsu magazalar, isyeri tanidiklar,,, Artik yeter Avukatin var mi ,yok, koruman var mi yok,,,
Megerse insanlar odeme darligina dustugunde hemen koruma tutar, evlerini tasirmis.....
Tavsiye edilen bir avukata gittim,,,, Avukatta koruma tutmami,,,, Boyle durumlarda polisin , koruma gorevi uslenmedigini,,,, Ozellike cocuklarimi ,okula korumasiz gondermemem gerektigini soyledi..... Bunun 3 aylik maliyetinin 100bin dolar oldugunu, koruma isinin yillar surecegini,,,nerdeyse boyle davalara bakan tum avukatlarin koruma sirketleri ile yakin iliskisi oldugunu soyledi.....Hatta avukat olarak onlarin bile korumasi varmis,,,
Iste o zaman avukatima,,, sen bana inanmiyormusun,,,Para olsa zaten borclarimi oderim degince sasirdi.... Ya kendine birkac milyon dolar ayirmadan mi,
Avukat beni sahsen tanidigi icin, yaa bu islerde bu kadar duygusal olunmaz. koru kendini gozunun yasina bakmazlar dedi.., Psikolojik durumumu goruncede cok uzuldu,sen bu sartlarda devam edemezsin,,,, 1-2 hafta bi yere git, cocuklarini guvenli bi yere gonder... Bu arada insanlarla biz konusalim..dedi.... Tavsiye ettigi koruma sirketini arastirdigimizda azili bi mafya gurubu cikti.... Telefon edip,,, benim mafya ile ne isim var,,, Gercekten koruma sirketi yok mu degince guldu... Sen uzaydami yasiyorsun,,, Burasi turkiye...
Anneme soylemesekte hissettikleri ile hasta oldu, hastaneye yatirildi.... Babam hem bana kizgin neden onun yontemleri ile calismadim,,, neden bu kadar efendi davraniyorum,,,, Neden herkese sigorta yaptirdim neden vergimi zamaninda odedim,,, bu kadar durust calisirsan boyle olur diyordu,,, bes dakika sonra neden seni bu kadar efendi buyuttuk diyordu,,, ,, , neden, neden, zaten seksenli yaslarda kendince ama bize yakismayan yontemler dusunuyor, tansiyonu yukseliyor,,, torunlari icin kaygilaniyordu,,, Cunku onada gelmeye baslamislar, onuda ogullarini, cocuklarini oldururuz diyorlardi....Ozetle etrafimdaki herkes hicbirsey paylasmasamda,,,, sorulara, cozumlere baslamisti,,, Sanki hep bir agizdan konusuyorlardi....
Ablaminda tavsiyesi ile Huntington a geldim,,,, hava cok soguktu, saatlerce yurudum,,,,
2 hafta sonra dondum is yerime gittim,,,,Bi kere daha tecrubelerimle, isimi toparlamaya, calisacaktim..KONUSMAYI DENEYECEKTIM.... Ancak hicbir alacaklidan para gelmiyordu..... Sirketin durumunu BILDIKLERI ICIN ,, bize borcu olanlarda ortadan kaybolmustu,,, Ispanya dan gelmesi gereken , para gelmedi cunku Ispanyadaki alicinin burdaki subesi durumu biliyordu,,, Hergun yarin gonderiyoruz dediler,, isciler maaslarini alamadiklari icin agliyordu....
Ve oyle hayati tehlike boyutlarina geldi ki olay, mesela yillardir mal sattigimiz, gorunen yuzunu iyi bildigimiz Bayram isimli sahis; 2 hafta olaylara disardan bakmaya calistigim ve amerikada iken karar verdigim, tekrar borc ve alacaklarimizi gozden gecirip, daha gercekci bir odeme plani icin; elemanlarim ve Finans mudurumle toplanti halinde iken,odaya sekreterin mudahalesine ragmen girdi parami hemen istiyorum diye bagirmaya basladi,,,,, Mumkun oldugunca nazik,, zaten odeme plani uzerinde calistigimizi ,sadece zamana ihtiyacimiz oldugunu soylesekte ne dinliyor ne duyuyor, Finans mudurumuz, buranin bir is yeri oldugunu izin verirse calisip, tekrar ayaga kalkacagimizi, bugune kadar bizden cok para kazandigini, ve saygili olmasi gerektigini soylemeye calisti ama Bayram , aniden belinden silahi ,seni simdi surada vururum, degince Finans muduru kendi odasina kacip, kapiyi kitledi, bede can havli ile disari kactim,,,, Iste o an bu sirketin bi daha ayaga kalmasinin mumkun olmadigini hem korku hem aci hemde utancla anladim... Cunku basta kadin elemanlar herkes sokta idi..... Bu sadece bir ornek,,,
Bayram ; daha sonra basta babami, ailemi cok rahatsiz etmis, burda uzulerek soylemek zorundayim ki ozellikle dogu illerimiz aile yapisindan gelen insanlarimi borcu , ve davranislari bireysel gormuyor,,, yani ailede birinin borcu 40 yil gecsede aileye aittir,, kizkardes bile bundan mesuldur,, ya oder yada alirlar,,,, Yani namus cinayetleri, kan davalari gibi oturmus bi duzen bu,,,, Bana supriz olan, Gulen tekstil gibi uluslararasi isler yapan, ciddi gorunen bizimle is yapmis para kazanmis bir sirketin bile Veysi adli profesyonel bir mafya ile calismasi,,, Cok kisa bir sure icinde,, henuz odemiyo degiliz, odeyemiyoruz dedigimiz halde, olumle tehdit etmis, ve otesi,,,,
Eve giderken takip, hatta bir gece sitenin bekcisi iceri girmelerine engel olduklari icin, ertesi gece, evden tasinmak zorunda kaldik... Hepsi ust uste geliyordu,,,
bide avukatimda ailemi korumak icin acil bosanmami tavsiye etti,,, Is yerine girmem ve cikmam artikmumkun degildi,,, Herkes benim parami ode, yoksa oldururum,, Polise gidersende,,, biliyorsun ne olur .. Polise gitsen ne olur ki zaten, turkiye yi bilen herkes bunuda cok iyi bilir.....
Bu arada ablam,,, Finans mudurunden alacak ve borc listemizi istedi,,,, bankaci gecmisi vardi,,, ve olaylara hala inanamiyordu..... Finans muduru bilgisayardan hepsi silinmis degince , kopyalarini getir, kopya yok,,, Mali musavirden iste ( sirketin disinda, finans mudurun ustu, vergi vesaire islere bakan adamimiz ) ondada yok degince....
Can guvenligi yok,,, alacak listesi yok, borc listesi yok,, polis yok, koruma yok,,,, Bes kurus para yok,,Zaten koruma ,polis ne aliskin nede asina oldugumuz sozcukler, Mafya kim,,, kimin adamalari, Neden kanuni yoldan odeme plani yapilip, tahsilat yapilmiyor diye diye bir son umutla 15 gun daha calisti, sonra oda ani bir saglik sorunu yasadi....
Ablam, aslinda cocuklari atmosfer yatisincaya kadar koruma, ve olaylarin derin iz birakmamasi icin uzak tutma adina,,,, esimle birlikte Waltdisney e goturmek istemisti.....Ancak . hizli gelisen olaylar nedeniyle.
Aile ve yakin arkadaslar karar verdik ki, Ailece can guvenligimiz yok ve hic kimse bunu saglayamaz,,,, milyon dolar paradan baska....
Hesaplarin bilgisayardan yok olmasi, muhasebe kayitlarinin olmamasini once Finans Muduru ablam uzulmesin diye gostermiyor sanmistim,,, yada oda bu karisiklikta psikiyatri tedavisine baslamisti ve yogun ilac aliyordu onla ilgili diye dusundum... Ancak , Avukat Polat in yazi ekinde, babamin soyledikleri, Istanbulda ki kardesimin tesbitleri ile anladik ki, Finans Muduru Metin Oktem, ve banka Muduru esi, adimi kullanmak dahil, cek tanzim etmek ,hesaplari iramde disinda kullanmak dahil bircok sey yapmislar, vede imza taklidi ile borclanma dahil....
Ek,Ziraat bankasinin yazisinda goruldugu gibide, elemanlarimdan birinin adina, Ulker Oktem cek vermis, esi finans mudurumuzde bunu kullanarak sirketi borclandirmis... Av.Polat in calismalari sonucunda Ulker Oktem bankadan acil emekli edilmis,, finans mudurunede ceza verilmis ancak, polise hergun 800 lira vermekten yoruldum, beni tutuklamasin diye, o nedenle Irak a gidiyorum degip,kaybolmus... Bu konuyla ilgili detaylari bu kadari ile yeni duydum...
Ustelik 2 oglumun normalden zeki oldugu , cocuklarin ruh sagliklarina dikkat edersek,,,, buyuyunce cok faydali insanlar olabilecegini ailede bilenler vardi....
Ablam basta 6 ay gibi amerikada yasayin bu arada burdaki durumu izleyelim dedi,,,,, En kucuk oglum orda kalmisti.... Dogru dusunecek, karar verecek duruma geliriz , bu atmosferden biraz uzak olalim dedik....
Buraya geldigimizde Turkiye de okullar tatildi,,gerci son haftalarda okul acikkende biz onlari yollayamamistik ama, Buraya geldikten hemen sonra halalari onlari yinede WaltDisney e goturdu, Cunku cocuklara burda kalacagimizi nasil soyleyecegimizi bilmiyorduk... Inancimizi hicbir zaman bitirmedik ama mucize oldu, iki oglumda burda kalmak istediklerini, bu ulkeyi ,hele walt disneyde gorduklerini cok sevdigini, Kennedy Space Center a bi daha gidebilme sanslarini itirmek istemediklerini soylediler...Lutfen diye bize yalvardilar... Dunyalar bizim oldu sanki,,, Simdide onlar burda cok mutlu, cok cabuk esl kurslarini bitirdiler, ogretmenleri ,onlarin burda dogmadiklarina inanamiyorum diyor,,,,,, Esim herseye ragman mutlu,,,
Inancimiza siginip yasiyoruz...
Elbetteki hata idi, finans mudurune guvenmek, elbetteki yanlisti,paranin tamamini almadan mal uretmek, biliyorum simdi daha iyi, sorunlari kendi basina cozmek, esim dahil kimse uzulmesin diye kendi basina cozmeye calismak, kayitlarin back up larini gunluk almamak, Bu hatalardan cok sey ogrendim ama hala insanlari cok seviyorum...Ordaki kardesimin, babamin yasadiklarini duzeltebilmek gibi bi sansimda yok...Ama .masum ocuklarim odemedigi, insallah odemeyecegi icin mutlu olmakta zorunlulugum .
Hapiste yatmak cozum degildi,,, cunku ne adil yargi,,, ne yargilanilacak net bi suc vardi,, nede cocuklarima bakacak insan vardi...... Bu konu ile ilgili avukat polat in, babamin kardesimin, yazdiklarinin otesi, basinda yayinlanmis hersey gosteriyor ki, mafya o ulkede kronik problem, rusvette devletin taa icinde....
Ailem ,orda kalan en kucuk oglumun can guvenligini saglayamayacaklarini soyledikleri, ve 2 aylik surede cocuk korku filmleri gibi olaylara sahit oldugu ,, sabaha kadar agladigi icin..... Halasi gidip hatta bize soylemeden aldi geldi,,,,, Aylardan sonra ilk tebessumdu bu..Abileri cok mutlu oldular, cunku ufakligin resmi ile uyumaya baslamislardi....
Bu surede 2 kez geri donmek icin, calismalar yaptim,,, hatta bikeresinde, uzak bir koyde uzak bi yakinin yanina cocuklari birakip,, mucadele etmek istedim..... Aile kaynaklarindan tum vergimizi odemis, devlete karsi hicbir sorumlulugumuz kalmamisti,,, Maddi zarar gordugune inanilanlarda aile kaynaklarindan odenmis, odenmeye devam ediliyorda, bunlar kucuk rakamlardi, Cunku turkiyedeki ailemde kendi yagi ile kavrulan, orta halli insanlar.....
Ancak mafianin adamlarinin cocuklari gondermeyi dusundugum koyede gittiklerini ogrenince... Herseye ragman, cocuklarim icin kalmaya karar verdim..... Aslinda kendimizi toparlayalim,,,, cocuklar hissetmesin diye,,,, buraya geldikten sonra kimse bisey soylemiyor bize,,,, Gelismelerin bir kismini ablamin getirdigi yazilardan okudum... Finans mudurun basina gelenler, adimi kullanip, bankalardan alinan paralari ruh sagligim icin soylemek istememisler,,,, Ama yargilamak benim isim degil...
Donemiyorsak, 1 yil icinde muraaat etmemiz lazimi ogrendik,,, New York ta bir avukata gittik,,,, Ablam turkiye ye gidip son durumu inceledi,,,, 2 ay gibi Manhattan daki avukatla calistiktan sonra......
O zaman gundemde olan genel multeci kanununun cikacagi, hatta senatoda oldugunu soyledi avukat vede dediki,,,,, , genelin icinde olmak daha iyi... Cunku bu dava icin odeme gucunuz zayif,,, hemde sansimizi zorlamayalimm... Tabii bu arada
1 seneyide gecirdik. Hala donme umudumuda korumaya calisiyordum... Ancak donme denememizde ,ailenin, avukatin,
yazdiklari,,, gazetelerde hergunku okuduklarim,,, bizden sonra batan diger tekstilci is adamlarin basina gelenler...Hatta olumle sonuclananlar... Devletin hala ulkemizde en buyuk sorun rusvet ve mafya demesi,,Bununla ilgili yuzlerce sayfa raporlar yazilmasi., Cocuklari olan bi baba ve anne icin buyuk sorumluluk.
Cocuklarimiz hic bilmeselerde,,, onlar bizim cocuklarimiz iyi egitim alsinlar diye buraya geldik saniyorlar daha dogrusu halasi onlara Disneyland da burayi cok sevdiginizi babaniza-annenize kendiniz soyleyin, bende yardim edeyim demis cok mutlu olmuslar....Okullarinda harikalar.. 3 ude ana dili gibi ingilizce konusuyor,Turkcelerini korumaya ozen gostersekte, basaramadik galiba, Arkadaslari var, Ama 16 yasina gelince ehliyet alacagim,,, 20 yasinda su koleje gidecegim dediklerinde.Bilim adami olacagim,, Soccer i iyi oynarsam College e giderken yardim ediyorlarmis diye sistemi ogrenip, kaniksadikca,sevdikce .. Yorum yapamamak, onlara elbetteki cocugum diyememek, aci veriyor ama okula gidebilmeleri, ac olmamalari, birlikte olmamizin huzurunu hissedip, esim ve ben aliskin olmadigimiz islerde olsa, mutlu bi sekilde yasiyoruz...... Ama bilincaltlarimizi temizlemek,,, ordakinden cok farkli olsada yaa cocuklar duyarsa, yaa soyle olura endisleri iste onlar cok zor...Milyon soru zonklatiyor beynimi,,, Artik isini kaybetmis olma uzuntum cok azaldi... Loto dan birkac milyon ciksinda gidip, faizi ile, fazlasi ile, haketmeyenlerede odeyeyim diye avutamiyorum kendimi cunku sans oyunlarinada hic ilgim olmadi, yani ,,, cocuklarimin can guvenligi ve egitimi ilk sirada bide onlar ogrenmeden, bu konuyu halladebilmek tum arzumuz...inancimiz
Isimler, ve yaklasik tarihler, detaylar hala hafizamda,arzu ederseniz, yazabilirim...
Beni dinlediginiz icin sagolun,,,
Translation - English I have learned our family business, textile, by seeing, learning, practicing it since I was 7 years old in Istanbul-Turkey.
I have done my education on business
Over the years I have also worked with world’s well known textile company.
Later I have opened my own company Cagdas Tekstil Urunleri ith, Ihr Tic Limited Sti ( Cagdas Textile Products Import, export Commercial LLC) in Merter/ Istanbul…
Textile became a preferred business line in Turkey because of cheap labor and experience in textile and also it has become a wining business line.
It is true that, since 2000 far eastern countries like Chinese and ex Soviet Union countries, Indonesia have entered into the market with their cheaper labor which has started to put pressure on Turkish textile, but we have never thought that this would affect experienced people like us so much.
Although there has been people who went bankrupt , or committed suicide because they count carry the burden, or people got killed by their lenders, We were almost sure that this would never happen to us if we kept on doing this business well in this country .
We have kept on working with the Experienced staff, banker-finance manager , the market prestige, the recognition advantage. Business was well and our budget was giving surplus.
It was around July 2005 we have started to have some difficulties because of the natural drop in business volume, hard to collect on goods sold in our new store in Bulgaria, wrong habits, bribery.
We have started to finance these short coming since we have thought this would all go away once the system settles In Bulgaria.
We couldn’t collect on the goods sent and the more we have looked into the reasons, the more we have been thinking whether if we have done the right thing by opening up a store.
Just about in August the Export order which we have prepared for Russia, which we have paid half the production cost, which we received a check to collect the rest on delivery, has been cancelled since they have found a cheaper manufacturer.
Necessary actions In this situation, neither legal nor the recovery channels, has been useless for Russia. Experienced people told us “Forget it, you cant even get a dollar”.
Despite the fact that we sold manufactured goods in domestic market, In order close the budget gap, we were unsuccessful.
We have gotten stranded with the manufactured good that destined to Iran since Iran stopped textile purchases from Turkey. The loss was 250,000 which than increased to 500,000.
We exercised the option to take credit from banks,,, As the lawyer Polat mentioned in his letter Check works different in installments in Turkey.. we have tried to close the budget by obtaining checks.. but our efforts were going beyond work hours. We have been with finance manager until late hours at nights. Our manager was hopeful and kept telling us “most of the companies lives through these”, he has insisted we were still in good shape…
It was around October, an insider got the word out to the companies makes business with us that we were cash strapped, at that week even the installment checks 6 months away have been deposited to the banks.
Suddenly our credit worthiness got in jeopardy. In order to save this we have gotten high interest loans.
We have purchased and paid half of the fabrics to Gulen Fabric factory. We have offered return the half of it back in order to get rid of some of the debt we owed and get some refund money. They have responded as; we will refund you when we can and If we can sell them.
They have also have not returned our checks back to us. Furthermore Our Finance manager has not received the paid installment checks on time since he has trusted them, but they have deposited all the checks at once. Regardless of the fact that, we had a payment plan.
Even though this was an old established company in City Adana, we have come to realize that this is sort of company uses brutal force in their collection of debt. In further developments I have learned that they have threatened my father who has asked for police protection. I have been forced to sign open checks by one of their men in December.
Even if I have tried not to show, my wife couldn’t carry the burden, physiologically, and she had started to give reaction due to ailing health, anxiety and insecurity after signs for looking unhappy, unlike myself and not giving same care as before to my three children and to my spouse.
In the mean time marketing manager, a best friend and a person I have given my support for years, did quit saying ‘I am sorry, I have got a better paying job’. He did own %10 of the company. This has caused to the company to cash payout of his severance package and share value costs. I have been saddened for his leave and also for his timing.
Even though we have kept receiving orders in November, we weren’t able to buy the fabric by anything but cash, thus we couldn’t manufacture. It was time to cut costs and layoffs. Its was like all the employees were looking directly into my eyes as if “please do lay us off, we will go hungry”. I loved them all, I have paid all of their insurance (unlike the people who makes money by putting cheap almost child age to work) these were the people I knew their problems one by one. I wasn’t even in the condition make the decision whom to layoff. My work and my feeling got all mixed up. I was saying Keep working this month too to whoever came. In the mean time banks were calling, everybody was calling regardless if they were working with us or not, it was one thing if I have spoke to them over the phone, even if I did they kept long conversations. They have been suggesting all kinds of unbelievable illegal scenarios. In situations like these people either take refuge in extreme religious organizations, political organizations or in strong looking illegal people. As my nature I am a modest person who doesn’t like anything extreme. I have resisted to accept proposals, I have tried to not take sides, not to take hand from wrong people but I was feeling very tired.
when we came into work in the morning, We have learned that one of the manufacturing shops has been robbed. When I have confronted the night security guard ‘how come you haven’t seen anything’ he replied; I will tell who has done this but if you tell it to the cops they will kill me’ Later we have had some other goods have been stolen with brutal force. We have kept our faith with police Instead of realizing how everything was ended. I had realized how hard it was to lose ones job but even harder to lose ones trust. They didn’t even prepare a report. They (police) haven been asking Who has seen it, how was it happened, why did it happen. In other words there was no hope. Because the Company which has stolen the goods was bigger and stronger than us.
It was the first days of December, there had been some disreputable people put my car and my house under surveillance. We have still kept on asking ‘give us some more time, we are going to pay our debt’. Neighboring shop owners, people I know at work place, said’ enough already, do you have a lawyer? No, Do you have a bodyguard? No. So I realized people who fell into financial difficulty would immediately hire bodyguard and move their house.
I went to see the recommended lawyer. The lawyer told me hire bodyguard, in situations like these police does not assume protection job. Especially I shouldn’t be sending kids to school without a bodyguard. I was told that three months total costs would be 100,000 dollars, protection has to be kept for years, almost all the law firms who conduct a lawsuit of this kind have close ties with security companies. Moreover, as a lawyer, even they would have bodyguard. At that time I have told the lawyer ‘you don’t believe me, If I had the money I would have paid my debt’ he was surprised and asked ‘didn’t you even set a site couple of million dollars’. Since the lawyer knew me personally, he has told me that I can’t be emotional about this and I have to get protection because they are merciless. After he has seen my physiological state I was told to go away for couple of weeks, sent the children to a safer location and in the mean time let us do the talk with the people. When we have done research on the security company we have found out that it was a ferocious mafia. I have called and said ‘I cant be working with mafia, isn’t there an actual security company? He has laughed at me, saying ‘ are you living in space? This is Turkey.
Although I did not tell anything to my mother she has felt about me and became ill, she was hospitalized. My father got angry towards me about why haven’t I run the company with his methods, why have I been acting like a gentleman so much, why did I insure everybody and why did I pay your taxes on time. Added ‘Of course, you would end up being here when you operate with so much honesty’. Five minutes later he has said ‘ why did we raise you so much like a gentleman’. Why, oh why. At his eighties He has been thinking of unprofessional methods which were not proper for us. His blood pressure was going up. He was worried about his grandchildren because they have started to threaten him, his sons and their children with their lives. Shortly, even if I haven’t shared anything with anybody, they have already started to talk about the problems and the solutions. As if they were talking in chorus. I have went to Huntington with my sister’ advice. The weather was too cold, I have walked for hours. I went back to my work two weeks later. Once again I have tried to put it together with my experience.
I WAS GOING TO TRY TO TALK. But none of the money was coming from credit accounts. SINCE THEY KNEW company’ financial health, they have disappeared. The money that was set to come from Spain never came because purchaser’ branch was here and they knew the situation. They told us almost every day that they were sending the money. The employees were very upset that they couldn’t get their paychecks.
I has become peril of our lives so much so that, for example; person named Bayram whom we have sold many goods over the years, we knew very well his visible face. in those two weeks when I tried look at the situation out the box, I have decided that I was going look over debits and credits and then I was going prepare more realistic payment plan. While we were at the meeting with my finance manager and staff, despite secretary’ efforts Bayram stormed in to the room screaming about how he want the money right away. Even if We have tried to explain as polite as possible that we have already been working on the payment plan and we just needed time, he wasn’t listening us. Finance manager tried explain that this was a work place and we would work and get on our feet again. He has reminded him that he has made a lot of money from us and he has to be respectful but Bayram wasn’t listening, when he has suddenly taken out a gun, saying ‘I will shoot you right here’, our finance manager ran into his room and locked the door behind him. I have run out outside in a desperate attempt to same my life. At that moment I have realized with shame, horror and sorrow that this company can never again stand on its feet, because everybody was in shock, especially female staff. This was only one example. Later I have found out that in many occasions he has harassed my dad and my family. Right here I have let you know with all my sorrow, that especially in our eastern regional family’ structure, families kept liable a personal debt even after 40 years, even the sisters are liable, either they pay or they will take it. It is an established order like honor killings or blood feuds. What is more suprising to me that even a Company like Gulen textile which make business in international arena, means business and made a lot of money from us, works with professional mafia ‘Veysi’.
In a very short period of time, just because we have mentioned that ‘we are having hard time making the payments’ not that we weren’t making the payments, they have threatened our lives and more.. hounding me on my commute to my residence Even more one night they have tried to get into our gated community forcefully despite the security the next night We had to move out of our residence. Everything happened all at once.
Furthermore, my lawyer recommended that I got divorce in order to protect my family. I was impossible to get in and out of my business quarter. Everybody was like ‘pay my money or I will kill you and if you go to the police, you know what happens’. What would have happened If I were to went to police, Anyone knows Turkey, they know very well about this too. In the mean while my sister has asked the list for creditors and borrowers. She has banking background ans she couldn’t believe what was happening. When Finance manager informed her that all the computer records has been erased, she has asked for paper copies, there were none. Then She has asked them to be obtained from Chartered accountant (outside the company, who is superior to financial manager who prepares our taxes and such) when responded even he doesn’t have them.
There is no safety of life, no list for borrowers, no list for creditors, no police, no bodyguard, not even a penny, In any event the words bodyguard and police some things we were not familiar with. Who is mafia, who are their men, why have not made payment plans by lawful means, she has worked for about 15 days by repeating the same thing ‘we cannot collect’ and suddenly she had a medical complication.
As a matter of fact, my sister wanted to take the kids and my wife to Walt Disney to protect them till after harsh atmosphere calmed down and also they wouldn’t have deep emotional scares but because of the fast developing incidents. Our family and close friends decided that as family we do not have security and nobody can provide it, not unless a million dollars.
Initially I thought the finance manager was pretending that computer accounts, the accounting records disappeared so that my sister didn’t get sad. Or it was related to the fact that, in this turmoil, he has started to see physiological therapy and he has been under heavy medication.
However, we have come to realize from the lawyer Polat’ attachment letter , my father’ statements, my brothers findings in Istanbul, that Finance manager Metin Oktem and his bank manager wife done many things without my knowledge including, using my name, obtaining checks, using accounts without my permission, and even taking loans out with fake signatures. As it can be seen In the attachment letter from Ziraat bank, they given my check to one of their man ‘Ulker Oktem’ Our ex finance manager took loans on the company using this method. At the result of Lawyer Polat’ efforts ‘Ulker Oktem’ sent to early retirement and they have fined the Finance manager but he disappeared after giving statement about how he got tired of giving 800 liras to the police everyday so that they wouldn’t arrest him, that he was going to Iraq because of this reason. Only recently I have heard this much of details on this matter. My family knows that two of my sons known to have very talented and if we were careful about their mental health they could be very productive people when they grew up. Initially my sister told us ‘let them live here in the states for 6 months and in the mean while we observe and watch them’ so my youngest son did stay there. We thought that we will come to a point when we can make healthy decisions, let stay away from harsh atmosphere for a while.
When we came here, the schools were in recession in Turkey. Truth is we couldn’t sent them in their last weeks in school but still right after they came here their Aunt took them to Walt Disney, because we didn’t know how to explain to the children that we have to stay here. We have never lost our faith and there has been a miracle, two of my sons said they liked this country they were happy to see Walt Disney and they would like to have the opportunity to visit more places like Kennedy Space Center. They begged us to stay. We felt so happy, now they are happy here, they have finished their ESL courses very fast. their teachers having hard believing that these children aren’t American born. Despite everything my wife is happy. We are living by taking refuge in our belief.
Of course it was mistake, to trust to Finance manager, to make production before collecting entire amount, I know better now, to solve the problems on my own, or solve them on my own so that nobody got hurt including my wife, to not receive daily back up records, I have learned a lot from these mistakes but I still love people. I don’t a chance to correct the things my father and my brother went through. But I have to be happy since these innocent children did not and does not have to pay this debt.
To go to prison wasn’t the solution because there was no justice, neither there was a clear crime to be in trial nor there was a person that we can trust our children with. Beyond the letters the letters from my lawyer Polat, my father, my brother, the published news shows that mafia is a chronic problem in that country and bribery facts infiltrated deep into the government.
My youngest son’s Aunt went over there to bring him here without telling her plan ahead since my family informed us that they can’t guarantee child’ security and that he has seen incidents like in horror movies in two months which every night he cry himself to sleep.
This was the first smile after months, his elder brothers got very happy because they were going to sleep with their brothers picture.
In this period of time, twice I have made plans to go back. I have even made plans to leave children with my far relative in their remote village so that I can continue my encounter. From my close family resources I have paid all my tax obligations and there was nothing owed to the government. Even the people who has truly believed to be personally suffered financially being compensated, these were small amounts, again by my close family who are nothing but self sufficient the middle class people.
Despite all, I have decided to stay for my children sake when I have learned that mafia has visited the village I was planning to send them away. The fac of the matter is nobody is quite telling us about the complete incidents after we have left, thinking that we will put our self together and children wouldn’t feel anything. I have read part of the incidents from the letters my sister brought. For my mental health sake, They haven’t told me about whatever happened to the finance manager, the loans has been taking out from the banks under my name.. but to judge them is not my job.
We have learned that we have to file petition if we cannot go back in one year. We went to a lawyer in new York. My sister went to Turkey to analyze the recent situation. After 2 months of working with a lawyer in Manhattan.
The lawyer told us that it is In the country’ agenda that there is going to general immigration status forgiveness even more that it was in the senate. He told us ‘its better to be with the general and regardless you don’t have strong ability to pay for legal action’. In the mean while we have passed the one year deadline. I tried to kept my hopes up returning back. But my hopes has been shattered by letter from the lawyer, my family, the daily news in the papers, the things happened to bankrupt textile manufacturers after we have left, Government’ statement about mafia and bribery still being the biggest problem, and hundreds of pages of government reports, a very big responsibility to a father and a mother with children.
our children don’t know, they think we came here so that they get a better education and After falling in love with Walt Disney, Children were even more very happy when their Aunt offered them ‘tell your parents that you like it a lot here and you want to stay so that I can back you up’. They have got a great school. All 3 of them can speak the language like it’s their mother tongue. Even if we have paid special attention, we weren’t as successful as in keeping their Turkish language, they have got friends here. To hear them say I will get a driver license I am 16, I will go to college when I am 20, I am going to be scientist, If I play soccer I can get scholarship in college, the more we learn, accept, like the system the more it become hard to not give comments, not being able to say ‘of course my son’. this gives me so much pain but to know that they are not hungry and the happy feeling of unity helps us live in joy even if these are the kind of incidents we were not accustomed to.
And in order to clean our conciseness what if the children does hear, the anxiety of what if it happens this way things like these are too hard millions of questions ripping through my brain. There is almost no trace of sadness for losing my business. I can’t even fool myself believing I may hit the couple million dollars worth of lottery so I can go back pay everything with interest even to the ones they don’t deserve, because I was never interested in gambling. For me, My children’ safety and education comes first and my wish, my belief is to resolve these issues before they learn about them.
I have the names and the approximate dates, the details in my memory I can put them in writing If you would like me too.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity of being heard.
Turkish to English: Declaration General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Turkish İlgili Makama
Referans: - Teklif Kayıt Numarası 2009/94515
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı (telif hakları ve sinema umum müdürlüğü) Ankara, Turkiye
2006 yılından buyana, Tamil Nadu hukumetine etiketlerimizi arz ettigimizi beyan ederiz.
(Yasak ve Vergi Komisyonu Ofisi)
Son zaman da siparişi yapilmiş etiketlerin detaylı olarak miktar ve değerleri aşağıda bulunmaktadır.
Ağustos 2009 teslim alınmış olan Hologram etiket siparişi:- 193.70 milyon parça değeri INR 38.74 Milyon (takribi 1.92 milyon Türk Lirasi )
(Satın alma emri ilişiktedir)
Ağustos 2009 da beyan edilen siparişlerin değerleri :- 24.26 Milyon (takribi 0.75 milyon Türk Lirasi)
(Fatura ilişiktedir)
For Holostik India Ltd.
(Yetkili İmza)
Translation - English
To Whomsoever It May Concern
Ref: - Tender Registration Number: 2009/94515
Culture and Tourism Ministry (General Directorate of Copyrights and Cinema) Ankara, Turkey
We hereby declare that we have been supplying our labels to Tamil Nadu State Government (Office of the Commissioner of Prohibition and Excise) since 2006.
Below are the details of the order of labels received recently in terms of quantity and value.
Order of Hologram labels received in August 2009:- 193.70 Million Pieces of Value
INR 38.74 million (1.192 Million TL appx.)
(Enclosed are the Purchase Orders)
Value of orders dispatched in August 2009:- INR 24.26 Million (0.75 Million TL appx.)
(Enclosed are the Invoices)
For Holostik India Ltd.
(Authorized Signatory)
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Saint Petersburg, Philology (Teaching & interpreting)
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Nov 2005.
Turkish to English (CHIT) Turkish to English (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) English to Turkish (CHIT) English to Turkish (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) Azerbaijani to English (CHIT)
Azerbaijani to English (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) Turkish to Russian (CHIT) Turkish to Russian (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators)
• Foreign world’s list of Translation Organizations, NAJIT, NATI
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