Freelance translators » Croatian to English » Tech/Engineering » Insurance » Page 1

Below is a list of Croatian to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Insurance field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

45 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in Croatian (Variants: Bosnian, standard) Native in Croatian, Serbian (Variants: Montenegrin , Bosnia, serbian) Native in Serbian, Bosnian (Variant: Cyrillic) Native in Bosnian, German (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) Native in German, Montenegrin Native in Montenegrin
English, German, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, sworn translator, translation, post-editing, editing, ...
Samuel Henderson
Samuel Henderson
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English
English native speaker, certified translator, patent agent, JD, law degree, KST, ATA, MemoQ, patents, patent claims, ...
Goran Senic
Goran Senic
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Croatian Native in Croatian
law, legal, contract, human rights, business, commerce, finance, financial, project management, ecology, ...
Sanja Staklenac
Sanja Staklenac
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
English to Croatian Translations, English to Croatian Translation Services, English to Croatian Translator, English to Croatian Editor, Croatian technical translations, Croatian telecommunications translations, Croatian IT translations, Croatian marketing translations, Croatian business translations, Croatian legal translations, ...
Biljana Grbesa
Biljana Grbesa
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, Serbian Native in Serbian
English to Croatian, Croatian to English, Deutsch-Kroatisch, Kroatisch-Deutsch, Croatian Certified Court Interpreter, beeideter/vereidigter Kroatisch Gerichtsdolmetscher, croatian technical translator, user manual, brochure, 2011 Trados user, ...
Edward Gill
Edward Gill
Native in English Native in English
legal, finance, engineering, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Croatian
Cedomir Pusica
Cedomir Pusica
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian
belgrade translations, interpreter, english serbian interpreter, serbian english interpreter, serbian english translator, english serbian translator, serbian translation, spanish to serbian translators, traductor español serbio, traducción español serbio, ...
Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
Native in Serbian (Variant: serbian) Native in Serbian
Clinical trials documentation, inform consent, crf, medicine, medical devices, pharmacy, chemistry, environment, ecology, patients outcome questionnaires, ...
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
teknik tercüme, tercüme izmir, tercume bürosu izmir, İngilizce çeviri, ceviri, cevirisi, noter tasdikli, turkce, turkceden, turkceye, ...
Native in English Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican, Puerto Rican) Native in Spanish
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
Bulgarian translator, legal translator, legal translation, bulgarian translation, bulgarian translator, financial translation, automotive translation, creative translation, medical translation, pharmaceutical translation, ...
sandra zovko
sandra zovko
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, German Native in German
Croatian, Croatian Translations, English, German, agriculture, agreements, beauty products, business intelligence, contracts, ecology, ...
Rodna Ruskovska
Rodna Ruskovska
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Certified Translator, Precision Translation, Transcreation Specialist, Localization Expert, Subtitling Professional, Proofreading & Editing, Urgent Translation Services, Cultural Expertise, Macedonian-English Translation, Swedish-Macedonian Translation, ...
Maria Callebaut-Blagojevic
Maria Callebaut-Blagojevic
Native in French (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France) Native in French
ArrayPoetry & Literature, Linguistics, Media / Multimedia, Slang, ...
Biljana Radulovic
Biljana Radulovic
Native in Montenegrin Native in Montenegrin, Serbian Native in Serbian
Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Translating, Translator, Interpreter, Freelancer, finance, economics, ...
Sonja Klarić
Sonja Klarić
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, english, swedish, danish, localization, software, IT, MTPE, technology, electronics, ...
Alen Ontl, PhD
Alen Ontl, PhD
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, legal, software, localization, contracts, certificates, technology, marketing, finance, literature, ...
Sashenka Ljuben
Sashenka Ljuben
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
automotive industry, computers, software, localization, website localization, trade, law, management, business, marketing, ...
Madoc Skinner
Madoc Skinner
Native in English (Variants: US, UK) Native in English, German (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) Native in German
German-English, Russian-English, Serbo-Croat-English, Czech-English, legal, marketing, technical, telecommunications, financial, business, ...
Native in English Native in English
Croatian to English translation, Bosnian to English translation, Serbian to English translation, Serbo-Croat to English translator, German to English Translation, Croatian to English translator, Bosnian to English translator, Serbian to English translator, German to English translator, ATA-certified, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

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