1 |
2 |
Linguistics, Philosophy
3 |
Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Science (general), Physics, Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), ...
4 |
Economics, Environment & Ecology, Management, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, ...
5 |
Metallurgy / Casting, Nuclear Eng/Sci, Petroleum Eng/Sci, Science (general), ...
6 |
7 |
EU Projects, economics, ecology, transport, national legislation and acquis communautaire, agriculture, animal care, construction, energy industry, information society services, ...
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9 |
Automation & Robotics, Wine / Oenology / Viticulture, Science (general), Management, ...
10 |
Environment & Ecology, Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), Linguistics, Geology, ...
11 |
civil engineering, architecture, construction, project management, building, marketing, tourism, leisure, IT-software, logiciels, ...
12 |
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), Mathematics & Statistics, Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.), Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, ...
13 |
Bulgarian, French, English, translations, documents, brochures, websites, plays, journalism, public relations, ...
14 |
Linguistics, Philosophy, Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
15 |
marketing, proze, science fiction, art
16 |
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
17 |
samuxNative in Bulgarian  , Spanish 
Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Economics, Electronics / Elect Eng, Energy / Power Generation, ...
18 |
Agriculture, Archaeology
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navy and military/defense translator, interpreter; proofreading;
medicine and health, technologies, science, space, aeronautcs, physics, history, ship building and ship transportation.