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Search results: (14 matches)
MemoQ support change default settings for concordance search in memoq 9.12 "Search in target" is not my most used option even when I do proofreading I do a fair bit of proofreading/reviewing (in
fact, 60% of my workload nowadays is
proofreading), and I have to say, I can count on
the fingers of one hand the times I've used
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Oct 21, 2022
MemoQ support change default settings for concordance search in memoq 9.12 It would be really useful to have the option to configure the default as we normally use it In over a decade using MemoQ as a translator, I
have hardly ever used the "search in target".
Instead, most of the time I'll be typing my
translation in the target segment when I need to
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Oct 18, 2022
MemoQ support change default settings for concordance search in memoq 9.12 In my view, it is a bug [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros wrote: This is
not a bug, but deliberate behaviour introduced in
memoQ 9.12. Here is the description: Concordance
from the translation editor: automatical
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Oct 17, 2022
MemoQ support change default settings for concordance search in memoq 9.12 I am having this same issue with version 9.12 of MemoQ I am having the same issue as Omer since I
upgraded to 9.12. Whenever I invoke the
concordance search in MemoQ, it now searches in
the target segment, unless I click the "Search in
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Oct 7, 2022 Translator Coop Announcing translator feedback (WWA) improvements feedback without having registered on Hello team! Would it be possible to
make it easier for non-registered users to leave
feedback? I have several direct clients I have
been working with for years, but they do not
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Jun 14, 2013
Business issues Ethics: is it ethical to send a gift to a client? Very nice comments indeed First of all, thank you all for taking the time to
answer my query, and for your very interesting
suggestions and comments. I found them all very
helpful. Much appreciated. In view of y
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Apr 10, 2012
Business issues Ethics: is it ethical to send a gift to a client? Hello fellow Prozians, I have a bit of a moral
dilemma I hope you can help me with. I have been
thinking of sending a gift to my regular clients
as a way to thank them for their repeat
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Apr 10, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: So far in 2012, I have invested in: Mainly hardware New laptop with a superfast processor, extra
monitor, ergonomic chair and keyboard. Thanks to
that, my productivity has increased significantly
in the last few months. :-)
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Apr 9, 2012
Off topic ¡¡Feliz Navidad a todos mis colegas!! Feliz Navidad ¡Feliz Navidad a todos y que el 2011 nos depare
muchísimas traducciones!
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Dec 24, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which antivirus software do you use? Karspersky I switched from Norton to Karspersky a few years
ago, and I am really happy with it. Their customer
service is absolutely superb.
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Oct 2, 2010 in-person events Virtual conference for freelancers session (2010): Closing remarks by founder Henry Dotterer Good job! Thanks to Henry and all the staff for
organizing this fantastic event! It was my first
virtual conference and I can't wait for the next
one. It was lovely to meet so many like-min
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Sep 30, 2010
General technical issues survey on CAT tools - help needed Done Done! Good luck with your dissertation, and
welcome to Proz! It would be very interesting
if you could share your findings with us, once you
finish your dissertation.
Elisa Martinez-Aznar Aug 9, 2010
In memoriam Colleague Elsa Favette passed away Sincere condolences So sorry to hear the sad news, Francesca. Please
extend my condolences to her family and friends.
May she rest in peace. Elisa
Elisa Martinez-Aznar May 11, 2010
Money matters Paypal in different currencies Paypal's standard charge for payments received is 3.4% ¡Hola, Lidia! I too have a Paypal account in
GBP and I ocasionally receive payments in USD or
EUR. I just had a look at the last payment I
received through Paypal, and I did pay a char
Elisa Martinez-Aznar May 11, 2010

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