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Powwow: Beijing - China
roybeijing China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ...
为了更有效的交流,减少一对一自我介绍的时间,可以:1)一对多。每个人面对大家自我介绍。具体介绍的内容,大家可以自己决定,但是最好由组织者制定一个大概的框架。比如说:姓名,所学专业,翻译的专长等等。 或者 2)借鉴某些洽谈会的做法。每个人在胸前贴个什么小标志---就是PROZ上的用户名。
去之前,大家已经通过网络彼此有所了解,所以,到了现场,对对号 | | |
Donglai Lou (X) China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ...
7:00(or 6:30)- 9:00 大家简短自我介绍(比如,怎么干上这一行的),然后需要早回家的同学,先提出自己感兴趣的议题或问题;
9:00 – N点,剩余的人可以移师附近的餐厅,爱聊到几点到几点。
晚上回家时,同方向的可以一起打车,应该不会太贵。 | | |
Donglai Lou (X) China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ... |
roybeijing China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ... 既然也有人想到自我介绍的问题,可不可以这样 | Sep 24, 2007 |
2. 可以分几个不同的话题。对哪个话题感兴趣的就到相应的小组去扎堆。
对比人大的英语角和北大的英语角:北大的有时候是在教室里,分组的时候很困难,组织者的工作量很大,可是忙乎了半天,气氛还是不活跃;再看,人大的英语角,根本见不到组织者的影子(演讲的那块儿除外),但是非常自由、非常活跃,同时很有秩序。 | |
roybeijing China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ... 既然也有人想到自我介绍的问题,可不可以这样 | Sep 24, 2007 |
2. 可以分几个不同的话题。对哪个话题感兴趣的就到相应的小组去扎堆。
对比人大的英语角和北大的英语角:北大的有时候是在教室里,分组的时候很困难,组织者的工作量很大,可是忙乎了半天,气氛还是不活跃;再看,人大的英语角,根本见不到组织者的影子(演讲的那块儿除外),但是非常自由、非常活跃,同时很有秩序。 | | |
EllyLiu China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese 对不住大家,因为节前太忙... | Sep 25, 2007 |
I think Donglai and Roy's suggestions are very good ideas Let's see who can help with collecting the information and print the badges for us. The second session after 21:00 is volunteed, and we can just shout that who want to come and let's go and enjoy. | | |
lbone China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ... |
lbone China Local time: 23:02 English to Chinese + ...
Space limitation | Sep 25, 2007 |
After contact with 吴代君, it seems they don't have enough space to accomendate so many attendees for this powwow. | | |
最初我和组织者说过,我这里能容纳20人以下。现在如果有40个人,我们办公室的楼层内有个很大的室内天井,是几个办公室共用的,可以容纳50-60人,有沙发和茶几,场地应该可以。这次POWWOW刘燕负责组织,我算赞助一个场地,但最终决定我理解要由组织者决定。最好能提前告诉我有多少人参加,我们好准备。 | | |
Could you please delete that long link? It makes the whole page extend too much.
You may send the link to Elaine personally as she'll be the organizer of this Powwow.
Thanks. | | |
Sorry I can't make it... | Sep 25, 2007 |
Dear All,
Just received a notification from my partner that I have to record a teaching program for them to use in the new project.
I expected them to let me do that at the beginning of next month (October). However, they changed schedule and hope me to start this as soon as possible.
It's very much a pity that I can't go. Actually this afternoon I discussed with Elaine to map out the time table and already prepared the video opening scene etc to use when ... See more Dear All,
Just received a notification from my partner that I have to record a teaching program for them to use in the new project.
I expected them to let me do that at the beginning of next month (October). However, they changed schedule and hope me to start this as soon as possible.
It's very much a pity that I can't go. Actually this afternoon I discussed with Elaine to map out the time table and already prepared the video opening scene etc to use when the Powwow was videotyped.
Originally, I wanted to record every attendee's self-introduction and contact info and put them onto YouTube and my website for exposure to potential clients. I also wished to talk about marketing and share my own success stories.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Powwow and hope we can meet some other time in the near future. The success of this Powwow will pave the road for future ones where we can discuss these and other subjects.
Jianjun ▲ Collapse | |
lbone China Local time: 23:03 English to Chinese + ...
并不是每个人都愿意照相,肖像权是个人隐私的一部分。希望照相或作视频的译友,也应该事先征得别人同意才行。 | | |
chrisleo Local time: 23:03 Chinese to English + ...
是否照相以及是否将相片或视频放到网上,可以提前争得当事人的同意。 | | |
chrisleo Local time: 23:03 Chinese to English + ... 到时候拿着身份证去就可以了是吗? | Sep 26, 2007 |
如题 | | |
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