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Student Resource Disks

Teacher Resource Disks

This disk accompanies the Move Up series. It has
been designed as a revolutionary new teaching tool for you to use, shape, and customize teaching and testing materials to suit your own particular teaching needs and those of your school.
There is one disk for each level of Move Up: Starter, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, and Advanced.
The disk contains the following material:

• One Move Up placement test:
ensure your students are using the appropriate level of Move Up right from the start

• Two diagnostic tests: A fast track test (30 minutes) and a complete test (1 hour) with teacher notes and marking key
assess your students’ needs for each level of Move Up

• Five Progress Tests with teacher notes and answer keys
check your students’ progress after each Progress Check

• Tapescripts
let your imagination run free and manipulate these to provide worksheets for further skills practice

• Certificate of achievement
customize this with your school logo and present one to each student on completion of the course

• Questionnaire
complete this and send it back to Heinemann and we will register you for further updates on our growing range of teaching resources available on disk

getting started

Notes for users of PC-based Windows software using Word for Windows 2.0 or above.

1. Go to file manager.

2. Insert disk and click on the A drive.

3. IMPORTANT: For safety’s sake, we suggest you now drag the “move up” directory icon to a convenient location on your hard drive (C drive). Then remove the disk from the computer and lock it, ensuring that you always keep a master copy.

4. If you have saved the “move up” directory to the C drive, now click on C.

5. Double click on the “move up” directory icon.

6. Choose the directory you want to access (e.g. “mulevel”) and double click on this icon.

7. Choose the document you want to view/print out/customize (e.g. testinfo.doc) and double click on this icon.

8. To save your customised document, use the save as option and rename the document so that the original remains unchanged.

Now you have accessed this document it will behave in the same way as any other Word document so get customizing!

An example

Here is just one example of the kind of document you might like to produce:

(full tapescript from Advanced)
I was a nurse in a Chicago hospital going on the night shift at 8 p.m. I went to my floor and began to check all the patients. Suddenly I heard a man’s footsteps coming down the hall and I saw a man in a chauffeur’s uniform who said, “I have come for my wife.” I told him to go down to the Admissions Office to ask where he should go, although I knew no patient would be allowed to go home at that time of night.
Later I was talking to a doctor friend who said she’d been with a woman patient who was dying. An ambulance had brought her in that morning, unconscious. The police were trying to find her husband, who was a chauffeur.
I told her about the chauffeur I had seen, and she went to ask about the matter at the Admissions Office. But she came back and said that no one had been there asking about their wife. And the security guard, standing in full view of the elevators said he hadn’t seen anyone in a chauffeur’s uniform.

(tapescript altered to provide a cloze test)

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

I _____ (be) a nurse in a Chicago hospital going on the night shift at 8 p.m. I _____ (go) to my floor and _____ (begin) to check all the patients. Suddenly I _____ (hear) a man’s footsteps coming down the hall and I _____ (see) a man in a chauffeur’s uniform who said, “I have come for my wife.” I _____ (tell) him to go down to the Admissions Office to ask where he should go, although I knew no patient would be allowed to go home at that time of night.
Later I _____ (talk) to a doctor friend who said she _____ (be) with a woman patient who was dying. An ambulance _____ (bring) her in that morning, unconscious. The police were trying to find her husband, who _____ (be) a chauffeur.
I _____ (tell) her about the chauffeur I _____ (see), and she went to ask about the matter at the Admissions Office. But she _____ (come) back and said that no one had been there asking about their wife. And the security guard, standing in full view of the elevators said he _____ (not see) anyone in a chauffeur’s uniform.

your resource

This is just one idea for exploiting this new resource. We would like to hear from you if you have found other interesting ways of producing new teaching materials from this revolutionary resource. Simply complete the questionnaire on the disk and send it back to us at Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching.