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Source text - Spanish Traducción médica del español al inglés
El dolor crónico es uno de los principales problemas en los pacientes con lesión medular (LM), con una prevalencia estimada del 65- 80% de los casos, con un predominio del dolor neuropático (DN) sobre el nociceptivo que va aumentando según avanza el tiempo de evolución desde el inicio de la LM. Según la clasificación de la IASP, en la LM el dolor puede ser nociceptivo o neuropático, y subdivide el DN en dolor por encima del nivel neurológico, dolor a nivel y dolor infralesional.
El tratamiento del DN en la LM se suele realizar siguiendo las pautas que existen para el DN de origen periférico, dado que la mayor parte de los estudios sobre DN se han realizado en neuropatía postherpética y diabética, y no existen ensayos clínicos específicos en LM con ninguna droga salvo pregabalina. Las directrices y recomendaciones por nivel de evidencia, incluyen como fármacos de primera línea en el tratamiento del DN antidepresivos, anticonvulsivantes y opioides. Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que los opioides no tenían un efecto significativo en el DN, por lo que se suelen asociar a los otros 2 grupos, pero estudios recientes prueban su eficacia empleándolos de forma aislada.
Los opioides considerados como primera línea son el tramadol, que se puede utilizar como primera indicación en el tratamiento del DN, y la oxicodona, que es el otro opioide respaldado por estudios significativos. La oxicodona actúa contra el DN sobre los receptores μ, se utilizan dosis de 10 a 99 mg/ día, es eficaz con una NNT de 2,6, y presenta como principales efectos secundarios estreñimiento, sedación y náuseas. Los efectos secundarios son menores cuando se utiliza la forma de liberación controlada, incluso en comparación con otros opioides.
Translation - English Spanish to English medical translation
Chronic pain is one of the main problems of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), with an estimated prevalence of 65-80% amongst these patients, and a predominance of neuropathic pain (NP) over nociceptive pain, which increases in the course of time after the SCI has been sustained. According to the IASP taxonomy for SCI, pain is divided into nociceptive or neuropathic, and the NP type is then subdivided into above-level, at-level and below-level pain with reference to the level of injury.
In SCI, NP is usually treated following the guidelines available for NP of peripheral origin, since the majority of studies on NP have been conducted on postherpetic and diabetic neuropathy. There are no specific clinical trials on SCI with any drug except pregabalin. The guidelines and recommendations by level of evidence include antidepressants, antiepileptics and opioids as first-line drug treatment of NP. Traditionally it has been considered that opioids do not have a significant effect on NP, and so they are usually associated with the other two groups. However, recent studies have demonstrated their efficacy when used alone.
Opioids considered as first-line treatment are tramadol, which can be used as a first indication in NP, and oxycodone, which is the other opioid that is supported by significant studies. Oxycodone acts against NP on the µ receptors. It is used at a dose of 10 to 99 mg/ day, it is effective with an NNT of 2.6, and its main side effects are constipation, sedation and nausea. There are fewer side effects when it is used in its controlled-release form, even in comparison with other opioids.
Spanish to English: ACIDOSIS LÁCTICA ASOCIADA A METFORMINA General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish Castellano al inglés. Campo de la traducción: medicina, farmacia
La Metformina es la única biguanida usada actualmente, con un beneficio claramente demostrado en los enfermos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 . Su mecanismo de acción consiste en la inhibición de la gluconeogenesis hepática y el incremento de la acción de la insulina.
La acidosis láctica asociada a metformina (ALAM) se ha definido como una acidosis metabólica con anión GAP elevado y cifras altas de lactato en sangre (>2.1 mEq/L) en paciente que toman Metformina sin presentar otras causas que produzca hipoperfusión tisular.
Aunque es una complicación rara , estimada entre 3-9 casos cada 100.000 pacientes en tratamiento con Metformina y año, es una complicación con una mortalidad aproximada al 50%. Se suele presentar en enfermos que toman Metformina y presentan alguna contraindicación, aguda o crónica, para su uso, sobre todo insuficiencia renal o insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva.
La Hemodiálisis con bicarbonato ha sido el tratamiento más eficaz para restarurar con rapidez el equilibrio acido-base. En la actualidad, y debido a la inestabilidad hemodinámica que presentan estos enfermos, se tiende a usar terapias continuas, mejor toleradas hemodinámicamente, tales como la hemofiltración o hemodiafiltración veno-venosa continua.
Translation - English Spanish to English. Translation field: medicine, pharmacy
Metformin is the only biguanide in current use, and it has a clearly demonstrated benefit in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Its mechanism of action consists of inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis and increasing the action of insulin.
Metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) has been defined as metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap and elevated serum lactate (>2.1 mEq/L) in patients who take Metformin, in the absence of any other reasons for tissue hypoperfusion.
Although it is a rare complication, estimated at 3-9 cases per 100,000 patient – years of Metformin use, the complication has a mortality rate of approximately 50%. It generally occurs in patients who have an acute or chronic contraindication to Metformin, in particular in renal impairment or congestive heart failure.
Bicarbonate haemodialysis is the most effective treatment for restoring the acid-base balance quickly. At present, due to these patients' haemodynamic instability, continuous therapies such as haemofiltration and continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration are generally used, because they are better tolerated at a haemodynamic level.
Spanish to English (DipTrans, Chartered Institute of Linguists) Spanish to English (MITI exam, ITI) Spanish to English (Diploma, Sanpere Escuela de Traductores, Madrid)
Who I am and what I do
My name is Emma Goldsmith. I'm a Spanish to English medical translator, current Vice-Chair of Mediterranean Editors and Translators and Fellow of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.
My background
I originally trained and worked as a registered general nurse at St. Thomas' Hospital, London. I then moved to Madrid, Spain, and used my medical knowledge and bilingual skill to become a freelance translator.
My qualifications
In addition to my nursing qualification, I also hold the DipTrans (a post-graduate certificate issued by the Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK).
Fields of work
I have more than 25 years' experience translating clinical trial documentation, articles for publication in medical journals, marketing authorisation applications, Summaries of Product Characteristics, Labelling and Package Leaflets, and Clinical Practice Guidelines.
In 2024 I translated about 217,000 words.
Related skills
I am a certified advanced user of Trados Studio 2024, hold ITI-assessed Qualified Status for ISO 17100:2015 and am a certified Spanish to English Translator here at
To learn more about me, please visit my website at
If you'd like to check out my writing skills and subject knowledge, please click through to Signs & Symptoms of Translation, where I blog about medical translations and Trados Studio.
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