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Nov 18, 2019 (posted I have just checked a complaint for an agency client. She will have to find a diplomatic way of answering... I was lost for words! I was offered the translation last week, but was not able to take it on, and I don't know who did it. However, it was fine, if not 100% as I would have done it. Simply a case of the client not wanting to pay, I fear!...more, + 20 other entries »
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Danish to English - Standard rate: 1.80 DKK per word / 500 DKK per hour
Danish to English: Learning to Read (letter to a newspaper debate) General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Danish Der er én meget enkel måde at få unge mennesker til at blive hurtigere færdig med deres uddannelse og ud på arbejdsmarkedet.
Start et år tidligere, ligesom de fleste andre lande i Europa. I England starter man endda to år tidligere. Pædagogikken skal naturligvis tilpasses børnenes alder, men da næsten 100 % af børnene allerede går i institution i den alder, kunne man uden problemer starte den egentlig undervisning. Jeg har aldrig forstået hvorfor man holder danske børn tilbage. Min søn kunne læse i fire-års-alderen, og det giver et enormt forspring.
De fleste engelske børn kan læse flydende i en alder, hvor danske børn først begynder. De elsker det, hvis det håndteres pædagogisk korrekte, og de får adgang til en hel verden af spændende læsestof. Skulle der opstå problemer, har man også et år mere til at opfange dem og afhjælpe dem, inden det bliver et nederlag for barnet.
Translation - English There is one very simple way to get young people in Denmark to complete their education and join the labour force earlier.
Why not start a year earlier, like most other countries in Europe? In the UK they even start two years earlier. The teaching methods must naturally be adapted to the children’s age, but since close to 100% of Danish children are already in nurseries at that age, there would be no problem in starting actual teaching. I have never understood why Danish children are held back. My own son could read at the age of four, and it was an enormous advantage.
Most British children can read quite well at the age when Danish children are just starting. They love it if they are correctly taught, and they enter an exciting new world through what they read. If there are problems, then there is more time to pick up on them and deal with them before they are too frustrating for the child.
Danish to English: CT of vascular system General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Danish CT-angio UE (indik: diabetes mellitus, perifer arteriosklerose. Ikke helende sår sv.t. hø. distale crus og forfod, blottet sene. Ilicafemoral bypass dx. 2008, fem.pop., årstal?)
CT af aorta og UE efter 100 ml Omnipaque 350 i.v.
Der ses svære cirkumferente arteriosklerotiske plaques i aorta proksimalt for bifurkaturen og ud i begge iliaca communis. Ved afgangen af begge nyrekar ses betydelige plaques. Nyrerne har normal størrelse.
På hø. side ses det genuine iliaca externa at være okkluderet. Der ses åbentstående iliacafemoral bypass dx. Ligeledes helt proksimalt i det genuine kar ses a. femoralis at være åbentstående. Fem.pop. forbindelsen er okkluderet, og ligeledes ses den genuine a. femoralis superficialis at være okkluderet. Der er genfyldning i a. poplitea via a. femoris profunda og dennes kollateraler. Ligeledes på hø. side ses a. peronea at være åbentstående. Men både a. peronea, a. tibialis anterior og posterior er spinkle. A. plantaris og a. dorsalis pedis kan følges til ankelledsniveau.
På ve. side er a. femoralis superficialis åbentstående. Der ses en del hårde plaques distalt i a. femoralis superficialis. De krurale kar er spinkle, men åbentstående. Ligeledes ses åbentstående a. dorsalis pedis og a. plantaris. Der ses svært arteriosklerotiske okkluderede a. iliaca interna bilat. Ingen patologiske bifund.
RD: iliacafemoral bypass dx. åbentstående
fem.pop. okkluderet dx.
genfyldning i a. poplitea dx. via kollateraler
(Kar-amb. xx. xx. 09)
spinkle åbentstående krurale kar bilat.
a. plantaris og a. dorsalis pedis dx. kan følges til ankelledsniveau
xx. xx. 2009
61-årig mand, som er velkendt i Karkirurgisk regi. Fik PTA og Kissingstent i 2003. Herefter fået højresidig supragenikulær femoropopliteal bypass. Fik foretaget trombolyse i xxx. 2004, hvor han derefter fik oprensning af den distale anastmose, reopereret 4 dg. senere pga. grafttrombose. Opereret i 2008, hvor han fik højresidig iliaco fem. bypass med PT ... og en fem. popliteal bypass under knæ ved anvendelse af in situ vene. Desuden har pt. diabetes mellitus, type II.
Pt. er blevet set i vores ambulatorium 2 x i januar efter han udviklede et sår sv.t. forsiden af ankelleddet.
Pt. kommer i dag til subakut CT-angiografi mhp. mulig revaskularisering.
CT-angiografi viser et åbentstående iliacofemoral bypass, SFA og fem.pop. bypass er bg. okkluderet. Distalt har han spinkelt, men åbentstående arterialis tib. posterior, og muligvis er der en stenose distalt proksimalt til anklen.
Jeg har også kigget på hans sår, som er som tidligere beskrevet over forfoden med en del fibrinbelægning, men ellers overfladisk.
Globalt set er foden ikke akut truet. Han har ingen vene tilbage i det højre ben, men klinisk set har han overekstremitetsvene.
Translation - English CT-angiogram of leg (indication: diabetes mellitus, peripheral arteriosclerosis. Ulcers that do not heal on the distal right lower leg and forefoot, exposed ligament. Iliacofemoral bypass right side 2008, femoral popliteal artery, year ?)
CT of aorta and leg after intravenous 100 ml Omnipaque.
Substantial circumferent arteriosclerotic plaques could be seen in the aorta proximal to the bifurcation extending out to both common iliac arteries. Significant plaques were visible at the branches of both renal vessels. The kidneys were normal in size.
On the right side the native external iliac artery was shown to be occluded. The right iliacofemoral bypass was seen to be open. Similarly, closely proximally in the native vessel, the femoral artery was shown to be open. The femoral popliteal artery was occluded, and the native femoral superficial artery was also shown to be occluded. The popliteal artery was refilled via the deep femoral artery and its collaterals. Also on the right side, the peroneal artery was shown to be open. However, the peroneal artery and the anterior and posterior tibial arteries were all slender. The plantar artery and the dorsal artery of the foot could be followed to the level of the ankle joint.
On the left side the superficial femoral artery was open. A number of hard plaques were visible distally in the superficial femoral artery. The vessels of the lower leg were slender, but open. The dorsal artery of the foot and plantar artery were also shown to be open. The internal iliacal arteries showed severe arteriosclerotic occlusions bilaterally. No subsidiary pathological findings.
X-ray diagnosis: right iliacofemoral bypass open
right femoral popliteal occluded.
right popliteal artery refilled via collaterals
(Vasc. outp. xx.xx. 09)
slender open lower leg vessels bilaterally.
The right plantar artery and the dorsal artery of the foot could be followed to the level of the ankle joint.
xx.xx. 2009
Male, aged 61, well known to the vascular surgical department. Had a PTA and a Kissing stent implanted in 2003. Has subsequently had a femoropopliteal bypass above the knee on the right side. Had a thrombolysis in xxx 2004, and subsequently the distal anastomosis was cleared out. Underwent a second operation four days later because of a thrombosis in the graft. Operation in 2008, when an iliacofemoral bypass was inserted with PT ... and a bypass of the femoral popliteal artery below the knee making use of veins in situ. Additionally, the patient has diabetes mellitus, type II.
The patient has been seen twice in January at our outpatient clinic after he developed an ulcer on the front of the ankle joint.
The patient came today for a sub-acute CT-angiography to investigate the possibility of revascularisation.
The CT-angiography showed that the iliacofemoral bypass was open, while the SFA and femoral popliteal bypass were both occluded. Distally, the posterior tibial artery was slender, but open, with a possible stenosis distally proximal to the ankle.
I also examined his ulcer, described earlier over the forefoot, where there was a considerable coverage of fibrin, but it was otherwise superficial.
Considered overall, the foot was not acutely threatened. The patient had no veins remaining in the right leg, but considered clinically he had veins in the upper extremities.
Danish to English: Checklist Business Rent Act General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Danish Danish
Udarbejdet af By- og Boligministeriet
Denne vejledning er tænkt som en hjælp til lejere og udlejere, der skal indgå en lejekontrakt om erhvervslokaler. Det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på, at vejledningen ikke kan "stå alene", men skal læses sammen med lovteksten.
Vejledningen er blevet til efter høring af Ejendomsforeningen Danmark, Jydske Grundejerforeninger, Lejernes Landsorganisation, Erhvervslejernes Landsorganisation, Dansk Handel & Service og De Samvirkende Købmænd.
Erhvervslejeloven er en lov, der bygger på en høj grad af aftalefrihed. Aftalefriheden betyder, at udlejer og lejer - udover lejens størrelse og regulering - skal tage stilling til en række spørgsmål, f.eks. om lejeforholdets varighed, fordelingen af vedligeholdelsespligten, lejers afståelsesret, erstatning osv. Lejens størrelse bør afspejle, hvilke øvrige vilkår, man har forhandlet sig frem til.
Samtidig stiller aftalefriheden nogle krav til både lejer og udlejer om at "være vågne", når der forhandles en lejekontrakt om et erhvervslejemål.
Nedenfor er nævnt de områder, som man skal være særligt opmærksom på ved indgåelse af en erhvervslejekontrakt. Desuden beskrives opsigelsesreglerne i korte træk.
Indgåelse af lejeaftale
Vedligeholdelse i lejeperioden § 16
Ifølge bestemmelsen har udlejeren pligten til al vedligeholdelse af ejendommen og de lejede lokaler.
Det kan aftales, at lejeren skal overtage vedligeholdelsespligten helt eller delvis.
Lejers ombygninger, installationer og retablering §§ 36-39 og § 75
Bestemmelserne drejer sig om, hvilke ombygninger og installationer, lejeren har ret til at gennemføre i det lejede.
Udgangspunktet er ifølge § 36, at lejeren skal have samtykke fra udlejeren til at forandre de lejede lokaler.
Hvis udlejeren efter § 36 giver lejeren samtykke til at foretage en ændring, så er udgangpunktet, at lejeren ikke skal fjerne ændringen igen ved fraflytning (retablering). Udlejeren kan dog kræve retablering (§ 75, stk. 2).
Hvis lejeren gerne vil fjerne ændringen, skal lejeren aflevere de lejede lokaler til udlejeren i samme stand som ved overtagelsen (§ 75, stk. 1).
Ifølge § 37 har lejeren ret til at foretage sædvanlige installationer i sit lejemål. Dette gælder dog ikke, hvis udlejeren kan påvise, at ejendommens el- og afløbskapacitet ikke er tilstrækkelig. Lejeren skal give besked til udlejeren i rimelig tid, inden installationen foretages. Denne ret kan ikke fraviges i lejekontrakten.
Ifølge § 39 har lejeren også ret til at opsætte skilte, udhængsskabe og automater m.v. i sædvanligt omfang.
I begge disse tilfælde er udgangspunktet, at lejeren ikke har pligt til at fjerne installationen eller skiltet ved fraflytningen. Hvis lejeren gerne vil fjerne ændringen, gælder det også her, at lejeren skal aflevere de lejede lokaler til udlejeren i samme stand som ved overtagelsen (§ 75, stk. 1).
Det fremgår af § 38, at lejeren ifølge stk. 1 har ret til at foretage ombygninger, der er sædvanlige for lejerens virksomhed, og kan gennemføre disse efter at have givet udlejeren meddelelse om ombygningen.
Udlejeren kan dog modsætte sig ombygningen, hvis den vil være til ulempe for ejendommen eller de andre lejere.
Bestemmelsen gælder, hvis parterne ikke har aftalt noget andet i lejekontrakten.
Ifølge stk. 2 har lejeren også ret til at foretage sådanne installationer og ombygninger, som er nødvendige for at opfylde krav fra en offentlig myndighed. Denne ret kan ikke fraviges i lejekontrakten.
Der er heller ikke i denne situation noget krav om, at udlejeren skal give samtykke, men udlejeren skal have mulighed for til en vis grad at bestemme, f.eks. hvor den nødvendige installation skal placeres.
Lejeren skal være opmærksom på, at, hvis ikke andet er aftalt, har lejeren ifølge § 38 pligt til at fjerne ombygningen eller installationen ved lejeforholdets ophør. Når lejeren forlader lejemålet, skal de lejede lokaler altså se ud som dengang, lejeperioden begyndte.
Der er som nævnt både i § 37, § 38 og § 39 tale om en ret for lejeren, men i forbindelse med en opsigelse kan lejeren kun få erstatning for de ændringer, som er gennemført med udlejerens samtykke.
Istandsættelse ved fraflytning §§ 74
Hvis ikke andet er aftalt, skal lejeren aflevere det lejede i samme vedligeholdelsesstand som ved overtagelsen. Det vil sige, at lejeren skal betale for istandsættelse af de dele af lejemålet, som lejeren har vedligeholdelsespligten til ifølge lejekontrakten.
Bestemmelsen kan fraviges ved aftale, hvilket vil sige, at parterne i lejekontrakten kan tage stilling til, i hvilken stand de lejede lokaler skal være ved lejerens fraflytning.
Afståelsesret § 55
Man skal ved indgåelse af lejekontrakten være opmærksom på, at det skal aftales, om lejeren skal have afståelsesret.
Skriver man ikke noget om det i kontrakten, har lejeren ifølge bestemmelsen afståelsesret til lejemålet. Det vil sige, at lejeren har ret til at lade en anden lejer inden for samme branche fortsætte lejeforholdet på uforandrede vilkår.
Lejers opsigelse
Lejeren kan efter § 60 opsige lejekontrakten uden særlig grund.
Er der aftalt uopsigelighed fra lejerens side, kan lejeren dog ikke opsige lejekontrakten i uopsigelighedsperioden.
Er lejekontrakten tidsbestemt, kan lejeren efter § 63 kun opsige, hvis det er aftalt med udlejeren, at opsigelse kan ske i lejeperioden.
Opsigelsesvarslet er efter § 64 3 måneder, dog 1 måned for garager, stalde og lignende, medmindre andet varsel, kortere eller længere, er aftalt med udlejeren.
Der siges op til den første i en måned.
Udlejers opsigelse
Udlejeren kan efter § 61, bortset fra opsigelse efter § 14, kun opsige lejekontrakten, når en af lovens særlige opsigelsesgrunde foreligger.
Translation - English English
The Danish Business Rent Act
Drawn up by the Danish Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
This guide is intended to help tenants and landlords who wish to enter into a contract for the lease of commercial premises. It is important to note that this guide cannot “stand alone”, but should be read together with the wording of the Act.
The guide has been drawn up after consultation with the Danish Property Federation, the property owners’ association in Jutland (Jydske Grundejerforeninger), the Tenants’ Union in Denmark (LLO), the national commercial tenants’ organisation (Erhvervslejernes Landsorganisation), Danish Commerce & Services, and the Federation of Retail Grocers.
The Business Rent Act is built up to allow considerable freedom of contract. This freedom of contract means that in addition to the amount of the rent and its regulation, the landlord and tenant must consider a number of other issues, for instance the duration of the tenancy, the allocation of the duties of maintenance, the tenant’s rights of assignment, compensation etc. The amount of the rent should reflect which other terms the parties have negotiated and agreed upon.
At the same time, freedom of contract makes demands on both the tenant and the landlord to “stay alert” when a lease contract is negotiated for a commercial tenancy.
Some important areas are described below which require special attention when entering into a contract for a commercial tenancy. The rules for termination are also briefly described.
Entering into a lease contract
Maintenance during the period of the lease, S. 16
According to S. 16 the landlord is obliged to carry out all maintenance of the property and the rented premises.
It may be agreed that the tenant shall take over the duty of maintenance wholly or partially.
The tenant’s reconstructions, installations and re-establishment,
Sections 36-39 and 75
These rules are concerned with which reconstructions the tenant may carry out and what installations he is allowed to set up in the rented area.
According to S. 36, the point of departure is that the tenant must obtain the consent of the landlord before altering the rented premises.
Under S. 36, if the landlord allows the tenant to make alterations, then the point of departure is that the tenant need not remove the alterations again when vacating the property (re-establishment). However, the landlord may require re-establishment (S. 75 (2)).
If the tenant is willing to remove the alteration, then the tenant must hand back the rented premises to the landlord in the same condition as when they were taken over (S. 75 (1)).
According to S. 37, the tenant has the right to set up normal installations in the rented premises. This does not apply, however, if the landlord can provide evidence that the electricity supply or the drainage capacity of the property is insufficient. The tenant must give notice to the landlord in good time before setting up the installation. The lease contract must not derogate from the rule granting this right.
According to S. 39 the tenant is entitled to set up a normal amount of signs, display cases and machines etc.
In both these cases the point of departure is that the tenant is not obliged to remove the installations or signs on vacating the property. If the tenant is willing to remove the alterations, then it also applies here that the tenant must hand back the rented premises to the landlord in the same condition as when they were taken over (S. 75 (1)).
S. 38 states that according to subsection 1 the tenant is entitled to make reconstructions that are normal for the tenant’s business, and may have these carried out after notifying the landlord of the reconstruction.
The landlord may oppose the reconstruction, however, if it will be detrimental to the property or the other tenants.
The rule applies unless the parties have agreed otherwise in the lease contract.
According to subsection 2, the tenant is also entitled to have installations set up and alterations carried out which are necessary in order to meet the requirements of a public authority. The lease contract must not derogate from the rule granting this right.
In this situation there is no requirement that the landlord must give his consent, but the landlord must have the opportunity to exert a certain influence on decisions, for instance where the necessary installation is to be placed.
The tenant should note that, unless otherwise agreed, according to S. 38 the tenant is under an obligation to remove the reconstruction or installation when the lease is terminated. When the tenant leaves the property, the rented premises must thus appear as they did at the beginning of the lease period.
As mentioned, rights are established in S. 37, S. 38 and S. 39 for the tenant, but in connection with notice of termination, the tenant may only receive compensation for alterations which have been made with the consent of the landlord.
Repairs on vacation of the property, Section 74
Unless otherwise agreed, the tenant must hand back the rented premises in the same state of repair as when they were taken over. This means that the tenant must pay for repairs to the parts of the rented property where the tenant was responsible for maintenance according to the lease contract.
The parties may derogate from this rule by agreement, which means that, when drawing up the lease contract, the parties may decide what state the rented premises must be in when the tenant vacates them.
Right of assignment, Section 55
The parties should note when entering into the lease contract that they must agree on the question of right of assignment.
If no mention of it is made in the contract, then according to the rule, the tenant has the right of assignment of the rented area. This means that the tenant is entitled to allow another tenant in the same business continue the tenancy on unaltered terms.
Termination by the tenant
According to S. 60 the tenant may terminate the lease agreement without giving any particular reason.
However, if it has been agreed that the contract is non-terminable on the part of the tenant, he may not terminate the contract during the period of non-terminability.
If the contract is for a limited period, according to S. 63 the tenant may only give notice of termination if he has agreed with the landlord that the contract may be terminated during the period for which it applies.
According to S. 64, the period of notice of termination is three months; but it is one month, however, for garages, stables and the like, unless another period of notice, either longer or shorter, has been agreed upon with the landlord.
Notice must be given to take effect on the first day of a month.
Termination by the landlord
According to S. § 61, apart from termination according to S. 14, the landlord may only terminate the lease contract when one of the particular reasons for termination exists as set out in the Act.
Danish to English: Foreword: Book to celebrate museum jubilee General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Danish Museets første direktør, CSM, sagde en gang om de mange initiativer på Glasmuseet Ebeltoft: ”I grunden er det ligesom med humlebien, der ikke kan flyve, den ved det ikke, den flyver bare alligevel”.
Seks-syv år inden CSM blev ”opfundet”, havde den ukuelige ildsjæl Finn Lynggaard på et glassymposium i Wien foreslået, at der skulle skabes et museum for internationalt glas, og, at det skulle ligge i Ebeltoft, Danmark, hvor han boede. Der var stor begejstring studioglaskunstnerne.
Arbejdet med indsamling af glas til den permanente samling var i gang inden, der var fundet en bygning til at huse den. Blandt andet opsøgte en af studioglasbevægelsens fædre, Harvey Littleton, på en sejltur rundt i Europa flere kunstnere og opfordrede dem til at donere eller udlåne et værk til Finn Lynggaard, Ebeltoft, Danmark, som var ved at etablere et kunstnernes museum. Et museum hvor kunstnerne af kærlighed valgte samlingen og ikke omvendt, som han udtrykte det.
Én ting var at få kunstnerne med på idéen, en anden var at overbevise politikerne i Ebeltoft, om der var hold i den tossede idé, som ham kunstneren havde fostret. At den tossede idé blev til virkelighed, er der flere grunde til: Aktive og driftige erhvervsfolk … Et fremsynet byråd, den forladte Amts- og Toldbygning på Strandvejen – og også en lang række frivillige hjælpere hjalp museet på vej. Selv om det aldrig har været nogen guldgrube at drive museum, har kravene om kvalitet og design til hver eneste udstilling og udgivelse altid været høje. Dette, respekten og interessen for museets gæster, kontakten med kunstnerne og museer verden over har været drivkraften hele vejen.
At det hele tiden har været muligt at højne disse mål og udvikle Glasmuseet Ebeltoft … skylder vi de virksomheder og fonde, som gennem alle årene har støttet museet, en stor og inderlig tak for.
Translation - English Foreword
The first director of Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, CSM, once said of the many initiatives at the museum: “Basically it is like the bumble bee. In theory it can’t fly, but it doesn’t know, so it just flies all the same”.
Six or seven years before CSM was “discovered”, the indomitable glass enthusiast, Finn Lynggaard, had proposed at a glass symposium in Vienna that a museum should be set up for international glass, and that it should be in Ebeltoft in Denmark, where he lived. The studio glass artists were highly enthusiastic.
The work of collecting glass for the permanent collection was in full swing, even before a building had been found to house it. One of the founding fathers of the studio glass movement, Harvey Littleton, visited several artists on a sailing tour of Europe, and asked them to donate or lend work to Finn Lynggaard in Ebeltoft, Denmark, who was setting up an artists’ museum. This was a museum where the artists selected the collection out of love, and not the reverse, as he expressed it.
Convincing the artists about the museum was one thing, but it was quite another to persuade the local politicians in Ebeltoft that this artist’s crazy idea might be viable. There are several reasons why the crazy idea actually worked out:
It was supported by active and energetic business people … and a far-sighted town council, the abandoned county offices and Customs and Excise House on Strandvejen – and a large group of volunteers all helped the museum on its way.
Running a museum has never been a goldmine, but nevertheless, very exacting demands in design and quality have always been met in every single exhibition and publication. This has been the driving force all the way, along with respect for the museum’s guests, and contact with artists and museums round the world.
All this time, it has been possible to keep raising the sights and developing Glasmuseet Ebeltoft … and for that we owe many heartfelt thanks to the companies and foundations who have supported the museum over the years.
Informative business, legal and medical translation
Chartered Linguist
I have a postgraduate translation diploma and a BSc in information
My native language is UK English and I have lived in
Denmark for more than 40 years, which gives me a first-hand knowledge of Danish life and
current affairs.
I have qualifications from both English and Danish universities
and work experience in the UK and in Denmark.
Twenty plus years' experience in translation
I started translating professionally in-house with an agency that
handled a wide range of texts, where I learned to translate reports, legal and
informative documents for public-sector clients, and a range of marketing and
business texts for companies and private individuals. At the same time I
studied for my Special Language Diploma, gaining a solid knowledge of
translation theory and the practical skills of using style guides (Chicago
Manual of Style, APA), finding and organising terminology, and compiling
This was an ideal supplement to my earlier BSc in business
information and experience of writing abstracts for technical journals.
I have been an independent translator since 2003 and took further training
in medical translation, aiming to specialise in my particular field of
interest while still enjoying the variety of many different assignments.
Naturally, I have worked with CAT tools, and currently use Trados
Studio 2022 and Multiterm. Many of the texts I translate are comparatively small,
such as
Correspondence – websites – marketing and publicity material –
SPCs – information to patients – contracts – CVs and personal documents.
Larger projects I have worked on include
– a report
on use of IT by the general public in Denmark
– a report
on the Danish education system
– part of a
textbook on Danish law
– a
textbook on psychology
– a book on
– series of
medical records for clinical trials
– cookery
books, one for diabetics.
I can usually manage a fast turnaround if you need a translation
quickly, but I prefer to take the necessary time to write a readable text and
check all the details.
Another service I can
offer is abstracting or writing summaries.
By concentrating
on what I do best I know I can deliver quality
Business correspondence Press releases Public
information Contracts Technical texts Product specifications Speeches Websites
Publicity Property Family law Medical Pharmaceutical Menus, recipes and diets
Cooking and nutrition Tourism Museum catalogues
I grew up in a multilingual community - conscious of cultural differences and
'global English'.
* I was educated at an English public school.
I also have
* Training in
technical librarianship and business information (BSc, UK)
A postgraduate diploma in translation (ED, University of Southern Denmark)
* Five years' in-house experience with a major
Danish agency translating a wide range of business and public sector texts
* Many years'
residence in Denmark.
* Work experience
in industry, publishing, tourism and the health and home-care services.
I am now a freelance translator with a strong network of colleagues and experts
in many fields.
Special Language Diploma (ED) awarded by the
University of Southern Denmark
Additional modules in Law and Medical
Information Science (Leeds Polytechnic, now Leeds Beckett University)
Privacy policy: What
data do I collect?
1.I collect details
from clients/customers in order to receive orders, correspond about performing
assignments, and to invoice and collect payment.
2.I occasionally
receive assignments from individuals,
and I am prepared to delete their data if
requested after the assignment is completed.
If it is advantageous to retain the material for reference when carrying out
future assignments for the same client, I normally do so. This often means I
can deliver new assignments faster or at a lower price. Most data I receive is
not personal or sensitive, but if it is, I will delete it.
3.In the course of my
work I may receive documents for translation which contain personal information and details that can
identify individuals in their business capacity.
In many cases, typically in marketing material, these details are publicly
available, e.g. names of directors, managers and employees of companies, with
telephone numbers, mail addresses etc. inviting contact with the companies. I treat all material entrusted to me for
translation as confidential, and I do not pass it on to anyone except the
4. Occasionally I receive documents for translation that may include sensitive information. These may for
instance be birth certificates, marriage contracts or certificates, CVs or
examination certificates etc. I sometimes save templates of standard
documents, but all personal details will be deleted.
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