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Aug 5, 2024 (posted I'm in the final stage of proofreading the English to Hungarian translation of the book entitled Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond – A Meditator's Handbook by Ajahn Brahm. The Hungarian version is to be released by Love2translate Publishing this Autumn....more, + 4 other entries »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Hungarian to English: Vascular Surgery General field: Medical
Source text - Hungarian A vena jugularis közvetlenül a bőr és a felületes fascia alatt foglal helyet. Kb. 6 cm-es szakaszon szabaddá tesszük és az adventitiától megtisztítjuk. (Az adventitiát legjobb lehetőleg egy darabban eltávolítani.) Cranial felé lekötjük és hosszabb csonkot hagyva a szív felé, a bulldog szorítóval lezárt eret átmetszük és citrátos oldattal kiöblítjük. Az ér vágott szélét még egyszer gondosan megtisztítjuk az adventitia maradványaitól.
Ezután következik az a. carotisnak a felkeresése, mely a m. sternocleidomastoideus elkampózása után rögtön előtűnik. Szintén, kb. 5-6 cm-es szakaszt preparálunk ki, eltávolítván az adventitiát, a fej felől lekötjük, a szív felé leszorítjuk és kellő hosszúságú csonkot hagyva ugyanez irányban, átmetszük, citráttal átöblítjük. Ismét gondos adventitia eltávolítás következik, a véralvadás lehetőségének minimálisra való csökkentése céljából.
A műtéti területet meleg fiziológiás só-oldatba mártott kendővel nedvesen tartjuk és ekkor kezdünk a nephrectomiához. Lehetőleg a jobb oldalra a bal vesét (és fordítva) használjuk.
Translation - English The jugular vein (vena jugularis) is immediately below the skin and the superficial fascia (fascia superficialis). Release about 2.5 inches (6 cm) of it, and clean it from the adventitia. (The adventitia should be removed in one piece.) Ligate it towards the cranial part leaving a longer stump towards the heart. Transect the vein occluded with a bulldog clamp and perform the lavage of the vein with citrate solution. Carefully clean again the edge of the sectioned vein from the remnant adventitia tissue.
The next step is the exposure of the carotid artery, which appears immediately after abducing the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Dissect a 2-2.5 inches (5-6 cm) long piece of the carotid, too, detaching the adventitia. Ligate the piece of carotid from the cranial part, clamp it towards the heart and leaving a stump of proper length towards the same direction, transect it and perform its lavage with citrate. The next step is to carefully detach the adventitia again, aiming to reduce the possible coagulation to the minimum.
Keep the operative field wet using a cloth soaked with warm physiological saline solution, and then perform nephrectomy. Use the left kidney for the right side (and vice versa) if possible.
English to Hungarian: David R. Hawkins: Truth vs. Falsehood - How to tell the difference General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Philosophy
Source text - English If humility is the admission of limitation, how can it be the very instrument by which truth can be reached? Also, what would replace its sense of self-confidence, as fallacious as it may be, that ensues from the illusion of supposedly “knowing” itself? Humility relies on no externals but is secure within itself by virtue of its own innate truth. It has no content but instead is an attitude and a position of inquiry. It results in one's becoming a scholar and a student of truth who has no pedestals from which to fall, except for the paradox of pride in one’s humility, which can in itself become an ego-reinforcing pose (like pretentious piety or pseudohumility).
Translation - Hungarian Ha az alázat nem más, mint a korlátozottság elismerése, hogy lehet mégis az igazság felfedezésének eszköze? Ezenkívül mi az, ami azt az önbizalmat – legyen az mégoly félrevezető is – helyettesítheti, amely a vélt „önismeret” illúziójából fakad? Az alázat nem külső tényezőkre alapoz, hanem saját belső igazsága folytán van biztonságban. Nincs tartalma, hanem inkább a felfedezéshez való hozzáállást, viszonyulást jelenti. Eredményeként az igazság tudójává és tanítványává válunk, akinek nincs piedesztálja, amelyről leeshetne, hacsak paradox módon nem vagyunk büszkék az alázatunkra, ami önmagában is egy egót megerősítő beállítottsággá válhat (akárcsak a kérkedő áhítatosság vagy az álalázat).
Graduate diploma - Translation and Interpreting Studies, Foreign Applied Languages Department of Transylvania University Brasov, Romania
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Nov 2011. Became a member: Nov 2011.
English to Hungarian (Romania: LMA - UTBV, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to Hungarian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Hungarian to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Foxit PhantomPDF Business 7.1.5., Powerpoint
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My motives to work as a translator
After 20 years of experience I am still fascinated by translation, because in my view this work is a unique mixture of art and science, and it is plenty of intellectual challenge. It needs not only excellent language skills, translation strategies and techniques, and up-to-date computer technology, but also talent and creativity.
Translation for me is a constant source of flow experience. Flow is a “mental state in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity”. That’s what I experience day by day when translating.
Translation is the kind of activity which can meet my intellectual demands. Also due to some of my personality traits, such as
low self-centeredness, and
a high rate of performing activities for intrinsic reasons only,
translation is an inexhaustible source of professional and mental satisfaction for me.
Your motives to choose me
If you need a
experienced, and
perfectionist translator,
whose work is also her passion, I AM THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOUR SUCCESS.
If you need
precision and
reliability, JUST CONTACT ME.
If you need
a translator having a native level (Hungarian) and a near-native level target language (Romanian)
due to the multicultural environment she was born into DON’T HESITATE ANY LONGER.
If you need
a translator for a long term partnership, I AM AVAILABLE.
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