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Spanish to English: Case report General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Mujer de 73 años de edad, originaria de San Luis Potosí, México, con antecedentes de tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus e histerectomía 15 años antes de este cuadro clínico. Acudió a consulta manifestando tres semanas de cefalea, nausea, vómito y perdida de peso mayor a 5 kg acompañando a un dolor persistente y progresivo en epigastrio y episodios de fiebre de hasta 39° C. A la exploración física se encontró con el abdomen blando y doloroso a nivel de hipocondrio derecho, sin detectar hepatomegalia ni masas palpables, con perístalsis presente y un ganglio palpable de 1 cm en cadena inguinal izquierda. Los exámenes de laboratorio mostraron leucocitos de 12 800 células/mm3 con una cuenta total de 11 900 polimorfonucleares/mm3 y plaquetas de 140 000/mm3. Otros examenes relevantes incluyeron glucosa de 173 mg/dL, colesterol sérico de 126 mg/dL, albumina sérica de 2.2 gr/dL, bilirrubina total de 7.28 mg/dL bilirrubina indirecta 5.8 mg/dL, fosfatasa alcalina de 383 UI/L, alaninaminotransferasa de 56 UI/L y alfa-fetoproteína 1.17 UI/mL.
Translation - English A 73-year-old woman from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, with a medical history of smoking behaviour, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hysterectomy of 15 years' duration. She came to us because of a 3 weeks lasting headache, nausea, vomiting and weight loss of more than 5 kg accompanying persistent and progressive pain in epigastrium and episodes of fever up to 39° C. In the physical examination the abdomen was soft and with pain at the right hypochondrium, no hepatomegaly or palpable masses were detected, with peristalsis and a palpable lymph node of 1 cm in the left inguinal chain. Laboratory tests showed leukocyte count of 12,800 cells/mm3 with a total score of 11,900 polymorphonuclear/mm3 and platelet count of 140,000/mm3. Other relevant tests showed glucose level of 173 mg/dL, serum cholesterol level of 126 mg/dL, serum albumin level of 2.2 gr/dL, total bilirubin level of 7.28 mg/dL, indirect bilirubin level of 5.8 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase level of 383 IU/L, alanine aminotransferase of 56 IU/L and alpha-fetoprotein of 1.17 IU/mL.
Slovenian to Spanish (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia) Spanish to Slovenian (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia) Slovenian to English (British Council) English to Slovenian (British Council)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, ChatGPT, memoQ, Microsoft Word, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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I am a university degree translator in the Spanish language and Literature and I have a Certificate in advanced English. I am a full time professional translator.
I have done translations in different fields. The main sectors I have been involved in include, but are
not limited to: fashion/textiles, marketing, e-commerce content and medical
Accuracy and quality
I believe that good translation is a lot more than just translating individual words and putting them together. I pay attention to every detail and I strive to always meet the client´s needs.
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I am a reliable and responsible person. For me, on-time delivery is the way of showing respect to the client.
Please feel free to contact me if you need translation service. I will be glad to comply with your request.
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