Freelance translators » Slovak to English » Law/Patents » Law: Taxation & Customs » Page 2

Below is a list of Slovak to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Law/Patents: Law: Taxation & Customs field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

37 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Janka Almanova
Janka Almanova
Native in Slovak (Variant: Standard - Slovakia) 
ArrayPsychology, Safety
Daniel Hradilak
Daniel Hradilak
Native in Czech 
czech, english, business, law, economy, politics, contracts, correspondence, IT, PC, ...
zuzana kmetova
zuzana kmetova
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak, Czech Native in Czech, English (Variants: British, UK, Irish, Canadian, US) Native in English
....agriculture, environment, EU documents, garda station, law, solicitors office, courts and legislation, medical, report, business, ...
Native in English Native in English
engineering, law, biology, pharmacology, toxicology, medicine, accounting, finance, securities, telecommunications, ...
Dana Šimíčková
Dana Šimíčková
Native in Czech 
czech, english, translation, translator, voice-over, proofreading, medical, industrial, technical, marketing, ...
Milada Major
Milada Major
Native in Slovak 
Slovak, Czech, English, French, translation, interpreting, sworn translator, law, common, civil, ...
Katarina Tršová
Katarina Tršová
Native in Czech (Variant: Standard-Czech) Native in Czech, Slovak Native in Slovak
překlady - likvidace škod a oceňování majetku, translations for Loss Adjusters and Property Appraisers, překlady smluv, překlady EU, European Parliament translations, translations of legal documents, translations of contracts, farmakologické studie,
Native in English 
Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic, Right to Left DTP, DTP, German, Malayalam, ...
Zdenka Kralova
Zdenka Kralova
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak, Czech Native in Czech
Jan Dula
Jan Dula
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
translations: handbooks, manuals, contracts, business plans, catalogues, laws, environment, electrotechnical and building industry, automotive industry, finance, ...
paul hacker
paul hacker
Native in English 
Retired, diplomat, experienced translator, slova, k czech, russian, ukrainian, polish, finnish, swedish, ...
Gary Raymond Bokobza
Gary Raymond Bokobza
Native in English Native in English, Spanish Native in Spanish
Legal, Finance, Technology, Medicine, science, chemical, aeronautics, agriculture, manuals, questionnaires, ...
Tomislav Patarčić
Tomislav Patarčić
Native in English Native in English, Croatian Native in Croatian
english translator Croatian prevoditelj hrvatski engleski stručni prijevodi
Joachim Koehler
Joachim Koehler
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Translations, Multilingual, Law, Politics, Medical, Technology, Economy, EU Affairs, UN Affairs, Pharmaceutical, ...
Andrew Wallace
Andrew Wallace
Native in English 
Mexico, Mexican Law, Derecho, Derecho mexicano, Giurisprudenza, Diritto, Scots Law, Pharmaceutical, Farmaceutico, Letteratura, ...
Albion Languages Ltd.
Albion Languages Ltd.
Native in English Native in English, Hungarian Native in Hungarian
Medical, software, pharmaceutical, automotive, car, engineering, IT, computing, technical, legal, ...
TrM Kft
TrM Kft
Native in Hungarian Native in Hungarian, English Native in English
business, marketing, law, legal, contract, Hungarian, English, German, French, Russian, ...

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