Freelance translators » Slovak to English » Law/Patents » Law (general) » Page 2

Below is a list of Slovak to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Law/Patents: Law (general) field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

83 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Martina G. Wise
Martina G. Wise
Native in English Native in English
czech, slovak, english, legal, medical, literary, academic, travel, marketing, press, ...
Isabel Stainsby
Isabel Stainsby
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English
Czech, Slovak, French, German, medical, legal, scientific, technical, cultural, culinary, ...
Pavel Slama
Pavel Slama
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Czech, English, Spanish, linguist, Czech linguist, interpreting services, interpreter, interpreting, conference interpreting, public service interpreting, ...
Klára Ježková
Klára Ježková
Native in Czech Native in Czech
czech, english, spanish, slovak, law, legal, business, finance, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, ...
Gabriela Simonova
Gabriela Simonova
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
legal translations, legal translator, Slovak legal translator, Slovak legal translations, sworn translation, sworn translator, certified translation, certified translator, European Union, law, ...
Ivan Šimerka
Ivan Šimerka
Native in Czech Native in Czech
nuclear science and technology power
Vladimír Hoffman
Vladimír Hoffman
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
Slovak, English, financial statements, KIIDs, annual accounts, contracts, agreements, automotive, nuclear power engineering
Word Edge
Word Edge
Native in Hindi (Variants: Khariboli, Indian) Native in Hindi
Native professional Translator, Quality, Multilingual Translation, Translation, Translation Service, Translation in Indic language, Translation in European Language, Translation in Asian Language, Proofreading, Editing, ...
Tatiana Fröhlich
Tatiana Fröhlich
Native in Czech Native in Czech, Slovak Native in Slovak
software, computing, legal, medical, automotive, car, industry, social sciences, art
Zuzana Janska
Zuzana Janska
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
ArrayArchitecture, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Cooking / Culinary, Music, ...
Misha Smid
Misha Smid
Native in Czech Native in Czech, English Native in English
ArrayMedia / Multimedia, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical (general), Military / Defense, ...
Gerry Vickers
Gerry Vickers
Native in English Native in English
czech translation, slovak translation, czech websites, slovak websites, czech medical interpreting, slovak medical translation, czech legal translation, Slovak legal translation, tourism, music, ...
Viktor Lenart
Viktor Lenart
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
slovak, czech, translation, interpreting, interpretation, consecutive, localization, medical, life sciences, life-science, ...
Emil Kucera
Emil Kucera
Native in Czech Native in Czech, English Native in English
mammalogy, zoology, biology, science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, forestry, agriculture, horses, dogs, ...
Igor Liba
Igor Liba
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
technical translations slovak, automotive translations slovak, hardware translations slovak, household appliances manuals slovak, electronics slovak translations, slovakian translations, slovak translations, translations to slovak, kosice translator, msds translations to slovak, ...
Alžbeta Kováčová (née Takácsová).
Alžbeta Kováčová (née Takácsová).
Native in Slovak (Variant: Czech) Native in Slovak
translation, slovak translator, slovak native, sworn, sworn translator, sworn translations, English to Slovak, Hungarian to Slovak, Slovak to English, translate to Slovak, ...
Vladimir Alekseev, MCIL
Vladimir Alekseev, MCIL
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Academy of Sciences, accounting statements, addendum, ADR, ADS, aerodynamics, agreement, agency agreement, AGM, aircraft engineering, ...
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
Bulgarian translator, legal translator, legal translation, bulgarian translation, bulgarian translator, financial translation, automotive translation, creative translation, medical translation, pharmaceutical translation, ...
Sabina Králová
Sabina Králová
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Medical translations from English to Czech, medical translations from Czech to English, IFU translations, MSDS, material safety data sheets to Czech, clinical studies, clinical trials, biology, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
Julia Nelson
Julia Nelson
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
German translation, Danish translation, Swedish translation, Norwegian translation, Bulgarian translation, Czech translation, Latvian translation, Portuguese translation, Polish translation, Romanian translation, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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