Freelance translators » Hebrew to English » Science » Medical (general) » Page 3

Below is a list of Hebrew to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Science: Medical (general) field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

77 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Maya Eshed
Maya Eshed
Native in English Native in English, Hebrew Native in Hebrew
English, Hebrew, science, medicine, technology, environmental, legal. localization
Alex Shapiro, CT, LCI
Alex Shapiro, CT, LCI
Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian, Hebrew (Variant: Modern / Israeli) Native in Hebrew
russian, hebrew, latvian, oil & gas, oil, gas, energy, contract, agreement, legal, ...
Maya Lubinsky
Maya Lubinsky
Native in English (Variants: UK, US) Native in English, Hebrew Native in Hebrew
hebrew, literature, medical, contracts, courtroom, academic, journalism, patents, law, affidavits, ...
Arie Shevchenko
Arie Shevchenko
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Hebrew Native in Hebrew
English, Hebrew, Russian, subtitling, QC, editing, multidisciplinary, Legal, medical, scientific, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in English Native in English
ArrayArt, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Medical: Cardiology, Electronics / Elect Eng, Engineering (general), ...
Mila Pruger
Mila Pruger
Native in Hebrew (Variant: Modern / Israeli) Native in Hebrew, Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
Medical translation, Pharma, Pharmaceutic, Pharmaceutics, Legal translation, Law, ICF, Informed consent forms, Cosmetics, Diplomas, ...
Sabine Akabayov, PhD
Sabine Akabayov, PhD
Native in German Native in German
scientific translator, wissenschaftsuebersetzer, chemistry, biology, hebrew, german, hebraeisch, deutsch, english, englisch, ...
Hebrew, English, French, Clinical, Medical, Pharma, Medicine, Clinical Trials, Translation, Editing, ...
Native in English Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican, Puerto Rican) Native in Spanish
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Alex Zaltsman
Alex Zaltsman
Native in Hebrew Native in Hebrew, English Native in English
English, Hebrew, Russian, medical, clinical, trials, informed, consent, forms, agreements, ...
Marina Gorlach
Marina Gorlach
Native in English Native in English, Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
Language/linguistics, medicine, law, pharmacology, business, three native languages: Russian, English, Hebrew.
Ruth Rubina
Ruth Rubina
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English, Hebrew Native in Hebrew, Spanish Native in Spanish
Hebrew, Spanish, English, finance, legal, medical, academic records, general certificates
Victor Kalinkovitsky
Victor Kalinkovitsky
Native in Hebrew Native in Hebrew, Russian Native in Russian
Albanian, Abkhazian, Ossetic, Norwegian, Nepali, Multiplelanguages, Mongolian, Malay, Macedonian, Lithuanian, ...
Native in Icelandic Native in Icelandic, English Native in English
DUX, Translations, North, dux, vikings, Translator, Translation, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, ...
Jonathan Golan
Jonathan Golan
Native in Hebrew Native in Hebrew, English Native in English
localization, software, documentation, financial statements, economics, business plans, contracts, copywriting, business interpretation, Hebrew localization, ...
Naji Rizik, M.D.
Naji Rizik, M.D.
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, Hebrew Native in Hebrew
Hebrew, Localization, Medicine, Medical, German, German/Hebrew translator, translation, Legal, Software translation, hardware, ...
Yosef Noyman
Yosef Noyman
Native in Hebrew (Variant: Modern / Israeli) Native in Hebrew
English, Hebrew, technology, software, locaization, medical, Hebrew native speaker,
Geoffrey Black
Geoffrey Black
Native in English (Variant: UK) Native in English
Rabbi, Hebrew, English, Hebrew, Translator, Interpreter, Judaism, Jewish, Torah, Aramaic, ...
Trans Rare
Trans Rare
Native in English Native in English
ArrayManufacturing, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Telecom(munications), Surveying, ...
Sarah Joshua
Sarah Joshua
Native in English Native in English
Hebrew, medical, science, translation, transcription, subtitling

Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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