Freelance translators » French to Italian » Tech/Engineering » Architecture » Page 3

Below is a list of French to Italian freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Architecture field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

93 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Nicola Benocci
Nicola Benocci
Native in Italian Native in Italian
italien, italiano, français, francese, juridique, giuridico, legale, contrats, contratti, appels d'offres, ...
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Native in Italian Native in Italian
ArrayManagement, Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Cianficconi Federica
Cianficconi Federica
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Interprete congressuale, Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreter, Italian, English, French, Spanish, Translations, Government, Politics, Medical, ...
Simona Bonelli
Simona Bonelli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Gastronomy, literature, tourism, medicine, cinema, documentaries, education, cosmetics, luxe, make-up, ...
Véronique Duchene
Véronique Duchene
Native in French Native in French
italian, english, industrial, technology, localization, marketing, seo
Giorgio Cavazzana
Giorgio Cavazzana
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
spanish, english, frencch, italian, law, patentes, trademarks, contracts, accounts, banking, ...
Franco Rigoni
Franco Rigoni
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Franco Rigoni, Rigoni Franco, interprete, traduttore, traduzioni, interpretariato, interpretazione, simultanea, consecutiva, trattativa, ...
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
history, literature, medicine, pharmacology, film, cinema, art history, motorcycles, cars, business, ...
valentina tamburello
valentina tamburello
Native in French Native in French, Italian Native in Italian
italien, français, droit, contrats, actes, procédures, marques, brevets, certificats, CV, ...
Isabella Carta
Isabella Carta
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
italian Films subtitling, italian movies subtitling, tv series subtitling, subtitres italien, art, tourism, travel, real estate, translations, translator, ...
Luisa Salzano
Luisa Salzano
Native in Italian (Variants: Standard-Italy, Roman / Romanesco, Neapolitan) Native in Italian
RSI, English, French, German, Latin, Italian, Medicine, Feng Shui, Manuals, technology, ...
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini
Native in Italian (Variants: Roman / Romanesco, Florentine, Standard-Italy, Tuscan / Toscano) Native in Italian, Japanese Native in Japanese
officially licensed and authorized Tourist Guide for Florence and its province, Tuscany and the whole of Italy, in English, French, Japanese and Italian, tourist guide, tour guide, history of art, giapponese, inglese, ...
Antonietta De Vivo
Antonietta De Vivo
Native in Italian Native in Italian
translation, proofreading, editing, MTPE, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, remote interpreting
Lidia Pedìo
Lidia Pedìo
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Medicine, Engineering, Mechanics, Law, Contracts, Environment
Claudia Catena
Claudia Catena
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Interpreting (simultaneous, consecutive, whispered), translation, Project Management, Localization, Conference interpreter, simultaneous interpreter, consecutive interpreter, whispered interpreting, ...
Native in Italian Native in Italian, English Native in English
ArrayFinance (general), Business/Commerce (general), Law: Contract(s), Economics, ...
alessandra panunzio
alessandra panunzio
Native in Italian Native in Italian
German, French, Italian, ENG, DEU, ITA, EN, DE, FR, IT deutsch, ...
silvana mancuso
silvana mancuso
Native in Italian Native in Italian
wine and food, medicine, technology, art, tourism, literary translation, design
Micaela Santo
Micaela Santo
Native in Italian Native in Italian
English to Italian translator, French to Italian translator, translation, editing, proofreading, finance, finanza, legal, legale, diritto, ...
Native in English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
French, Italian, German, English, Chartered Surveyor, Real Estate, Construction, Civil Engineering, Environment, Law, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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