Freelance translators » Croatian to English » Tech/Engineering » Medical: Pharmaceuticals » Page 3

Below is a list of Croatian to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Medical: Pharmaceuticals field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

72 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Native in Croatian (Variants: Bosnian, standard) Native in Croatian
translator, Croatian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Serbian, English, German, Italian, French, banking, ...
Marina Jovanovic
Marina Jovanovic
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat
translator, translation, English, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Japanese, IT, hardware, software, computers, ...
Ivana Filipović
Ivana Filipović
Native in Croatian 
German, English, Croatian, legal and legislative texts, subtitling
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English, Slovenian Native in Slovenian
medicine, pharmaceuticals, biology, life sciences, medical reports, cardiology, radiology, immunology, dermatology, expert doctor review, ...
Matt Sundakov (X)
Matt Sundakov (X)
Native in Russian Native in Russian, English Native in English
comprehensive, small business owners, websites, webmasters, millions, customers, talk their language, translation, translators, books, ...
Momcilo Pavlovic
Momcilo Pavlovic
Native in Bosnian Native in Bosnian, Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat, Serbian Native in Serbian
Latin proverbs, similarity between languages, text translation, idioms, British English vs American English
Native in German Native in German, Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, german, native speaker croatian, native speaker german, english
Albion Languages Ltd.
Albion Languages Ltd.
Native in English Native in English, Hungarian Native in Hungarian
Medical, software, pharmaceutical, automotive, car, engineering, IT, computing, technical, legal, ...
Adam Hardie
Adam Hardie
Native in English Native in English
native english speaker, serbian into english, bosnian into english, croatian into english, Serbian translator, Croatian translator, Bosnian translator, proofreading, serbo-croat into english, tourism, ...
Cinzia Šišović
Cinzia Šišović
Native in Serbian 
ArrayCooking / Culinary, Cosmetics, Beauty
Sanda Gladstein
Sanda Gladstein
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Croatian Native in Croatian
Serbo-Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, security, clearance, pharmaceuticals, contracts, legal, ...
Izabela Milanov
Izabela Milanov
Native in English Native in English, Serbian (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in Serbian
Serbian to English translation, Hungarian to English translation, legal translation, business translation, medical translation, automotive translation, simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, certified translation, New York, ...
Fiona Koscak
Fiona Koscak
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, English Native in English
Croatian pharmaceutical translations, nautical, trados, efficient, legal, English to Croatian translator, Croatian to English
Blagica Zaharijeva
Blagica Zaharijeva
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian, Croatian Native in Croatian, Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian, Serbian Native in Serbian
Clinical trial protocols, Medical Review, Labeling for pharmaceutical products and cosmetics, Package leaflets, Patient history, Medical Surveys, Research studies and articles for journals, Regulatory submission documentation, Summary of Product Characteristics, Patient records, ...
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, English Native in English
Law, Legal, Para legal, Tourism, Advertisement, Banking, Insurance, Marketing, Accounting, Accountancy, ...
Native in English Native in English
engineering, law, biology, pharmacology, toxicology, medicine, accounting, finance, securities, telecommunications, ...
Andreja Ciković
Andreja Ciković
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
EMA submissions, QRD, templates, pharma, business, finance, treasury, chart of accounts, income statement, balance sheet, ...
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, French Native in French
iso 17100, iso 17100 certificate, iso 17100 certification, iso 17100 certified translation, iso 17100 certified translation company, iso 17100 certified translation services
Menad Mujkić
Menad Mujkić
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, Bosnian Native in Bosnian
translator specializing in medical, legal and IT translation, Linguistic researcher croatian, Linguistic researcher bosnian, medicine translator croatian, legal translator croatian, patents translator croatian, freelance translator english croatian, localization croatian, bosanski, ...
Svjetlana Nevescanin
Svjetlana Nevescanin
Native in Croatian 
English, financial management, telecommunication, IT, automotive, business, economics, finances, Croatian, technical, ...

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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